What does Tusk have to with this?
I assume that’s a nickname for “musk” and you did not mean the polish premier?
Swiss Pan-European Nationalist
What does Tusk have to with this?
I assume that’s a nickname for “musk” and you did not mean the polish premier?
VW E-Up is cheap and really good
You know exactly what was meant.
It doesn’t matter. He doesn’t care. He got Trump into the office. His investement already paid off.
Are we talking about united in specific or carriers in general?
Because I am 99% certain that my last british airways flight had those protected angles
The article is about extended displays though. No traces left.
And The last time I flew the displays had viewing angles tht made it so only you could see the display, sp they were actually more private than laptops.
Yeah, but that’s a key, not a lockpick
They’re swiss.
We have more parties in our equivalent of the presidential office than you have parties in total.
I have huge problems with this notion that you have to be either democrat or conservative. They don’t even cover 50% of the opinions I, a green-liberal (actual liberal, not US-definition), hold.
You’re absolutely able and allowed to have your own opinion different from what any party official says.
I am unique on there
Brb, switching to Truth social
That’s just racism against chinese culture then!! /s
Avoid it - for otger reasons. Do a proper
I think a period is more appropriate thn a comment there, no?
The comma makes it feel like you should do the risk assesment for other reasons
Literally just watched that. I agree with his consideration that that’s fraud.
Telegram is 100% backdoored
Whatsapp only the backups (although I think they stopped?) and Metadata (with whom you chat, when you chat, but not the exact words you chat) are backdoored.
Signal is the only major app tht’s not backdoores
Signal as in the secure messenger Signal. My bad for not being clearer on that :)
If I could use signal on one, I would swotch in a heartbeat
Safari (webkit) and there are two currently trying to get into existence
And it’s European! 🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺