Then reintroduced it as Trump’s and add more money to the top 1%
Then reintroduced it as Trump’s and add more money to the top 1%
It says right in the article, “Canada accounts for 1% of the sales…” So I’m not one to shit on good news but I don’t think thats a problem for them. But that’s just Jack Daniel’s. Across the whole spirits, liquors, and wines industry definitely will add up.
Think of the savings in cleaning supplies!
Hey ICE! I’m saying mean things about you every chance I get!
Your apartment has 50 rooms?! I’m guessing the bathrooms are our territories?
Lol they already know tic tok would rather pull out of the market over giving it to America. But Ya now they’ll sale to Musk
It’s the gamification of everything. I work in education; and because the teacher shortage is so “emergency hires” are trained on child care through one hour online lessons that have game like elements to keep them engaged. I’m happy to have anyone helping in the schools at this point but it takes years of higher education to really be effective in education. (not saying everyone) But the online trainings are just their so the schools can shift liability. A one hour gaming session on recognizing self harm in children isn’t enough! But this is what our culture has come down to. Rewards programs, swipe dating, and gig work. It’s all mini games but the prize is a big middle finger.
I don’t understand this thought process. If the far left is preaching facts and kindness, and the other side is literally Nazies we need more left homogeneous thinking. We need to get educated and organized about the issues facing humanity. When the far left starts to be anti science and facts then you can begin to worry.
Ya let’s commit a felony for views!
Just 12 more days until he literally the second most powerful man on earth. (musk is obviously topping Trump. Figuratively and literally.)
This just in, “Wealthy people everywhere suck ass! More at 11.”
Ya they were hacked, but no lies were told.
Undocumented students is the only reason farm towns even still have schools to send kids to. Seriously in my mid sized city we were closing schools due to drastic drop in kids. Actual citizens were having to drive 30 plus min one way to get their kids to school. But then we had a migrant explosion and schools started to open back up.
Yup. Can’t let beds in the for profit prisons go cold. Other wise the prisons CEO might have to spend only 199 days on vacation instead of the customary 200.
The point is neither situation should ever happen in a system that puts humanity over profits. A mentally ill, homeless, and starving person should exist in our society because we have the means to house, feed, and provide Healthcare for everyone. (we just don’t have the morality)
Also, the strangle hold was applied for 5 min. I’m no expert but when someone goes limp from blood flow being blocked, you usually don’t need to continue choking them for an additional 4 min.
Because imaginary line must go up no matter what.