What problems with YouTube did you have?
What problems with YouTube did you have?
That’s a first time fee
I mean, you’re describing poorly run company. It’s unfortunately all to common, but it’s also isn’t something good or even standard.
I didn’t see any other way to filter it down to a number I could conceivably interview live on zoom.
You can get help from other people. If you’re so cool you have 70 relevant resumes for one position, you can afford 70 human-hours, internally or even externally.
The hell are you talking about
A lot of Firefox users spoof the useragent.
They don’t know how it works, but they roughly kind of know how to operate it. And they mistake their years of experience for the intuitivness.
Not this specifically, but I doubt it’s different from all the other videos made with the same technology
Do you know those videos where they put a single frame of scary face as a jump scare prank? It’s very quickly flashes, so you see enough to be scared, but not enough to understand what’s happening and make sense of it. That much. It’s visible that much.
The problem with Linux is that it is not tech-normie friendly.
That probably was true 15 years ago. That is absolutely not true now. This misconception stems from the fact that most tech normies have a lot of experience with Windows through job, so people assume Windows is friendly, but in reality they just know how it works.
Learning how to use Linux is dead easy. It’s not popular because it’s not pre installed, as you said, but it’s not because the OS is bad, it’s because Linux doesn’t have multibillion corporation behind it to make sure its everywhere.
It makes no sense to put your hands up and say "well, cars are bad.
Nobody is doing that. We’re saying “cars are bad, let’s put money and effort to alternatives so people use less cars”. Putting effort into squeezing more cars on the roads is literally the opposite of that goal. This change, like many other one-more-line-bro changes might look cool, but will make situation worse, if the change will even happen at all.
Do you need me to repeat it using simpler language?
I’m not religious?
The answer to this question is no, but it’s the least of your problems here.
But it’s mostly because of you people. You make their lifes miserable by pointless moralisation. You are the reason the industry is full of shady monsters, you made it that way with your constant religious fever.
Apparently AMD wasn’t able to make socketed RAM work, timings aren’t viable. So Framework has the choice of doing it this way or not doing it at all.
I think your wires finally crossed. This was the response of a madman.
Printing new editions of a book was always a thing
I had zero respect for putinsuckers from the beginning, and since you just outed yourself as one, this “discussion” ended.
Oh, here it is. I was waiting when the pretense will go away. 15 рублей получишь в кассе.
I’m not really sure it’s better tbh