Is it considered regicide if you take down an empress?
Either way, time to take back the holy land.
Is it considered regicide if you take down an empress?
Either way, time to take back the holy land.
It’s genuinely a lot. EMPRESS has an ego, and has started shit with anyone they can. This ranges from other crackers, to repackers, to the people requesting cracks. They see themselves as the hot shit because “I’m the only one who can crack Denuvo”.
I can’t wait until it’s revealed to be a worse version of Active Worlds filled to the brim with their insane ramblings.
That would’ve made 209 friendlier.
I’ve thought about it, because I almost feel a little guilty. I’ve used WinRAR for a decent chunk of my life, across a multitude of systems.
I still haven’t, but I think about it sometimes when I see the window.
I am slightly terrified of that.
They would be unchained. Like, already shitty following the douchenozzle(in my opinion), but that might make them go rabid, and the potential of a (worse) monster becoming the head.
Aren’t there external Workshop downloaders floating around, or has Valve closed that gap?
Brazilian remake of What’s Eating Gilbert Grape?
Wait, didn’t spacebar pause the video for awhile? I haven’t used desktop YouTube in a hot minute, so I might be completely misremembering or conflating it with a VLC hotkey.
I’m with you. The white stands out more, adds a little flair to it. The grey just kinda blends in.
Of course, I’m the weirdo who gets attached to their controllers, so take that as you will.
You’re a brave one.
Last person who picked Archer went the way of Tuvix.
Just remember, if anyone asks you “Kirk or Picard”, the correct answer is Janeway.
Oh shit, I didn’t see what comm we’re in.
Piracy Wiki/megathread. There’s an archive in the Roms section that you can find Wii .isos on. Every one I’ve tried has been clean.
There’s a wiki of the high seas that may help find a certain archive.
Where the db is, I have zer0 clue.
In the fields.
I’ve always wondered if the “THIS IS REAL SCIENTOLOGIST BELIEF” ticker was something planned early on, or if there was a moment of taking the whole thing in and someone went “This is fuckin’ South Park. Everyone is going to think we’re being extreme. We need to clarify.”
I know nothing about the book, but based purely on your statement, I’m going to go forward with the assumption that it takes an unexpected left turn when the mouse is revealed to be an analogue for Christ, leading up to his death and resurrection which kicks off his march back to the orphanage to lead a new Children’s Crusade.
The monetization aspect is a part of it. Without any form of credit, eyes aren’t going back to the original creator, losing them potential earnings.
You got it dead on.
It’s always been an issue, but it’s getting worse and becoming even more common.
I haven’t had any issues from anything I’ve gotten from them. Just the standard GOG offline install files.