The typical way involves something outside your network acting as a proxy. Your home network VPNs to this proxy, then the proxy sends requests down to your homelab.
I used a VPS and a VPN, I would connect to the VPN endpoint on the VPS, and then route all traffic back down to home.
You can also run a reverse proxy on the VPS, so it does TLS for clients, and speaks to the servers direct over the VPN.
Another option is things like Cloudflare tunnels, which means cloudflare does the “VPS and VPN” part of the above, but the tradeoff is that your have to trust cloudflare, rather than yourself (may be a positive or not depending on your perspective).
Lastly you could use something like tinc (which needs something on the outside to act as a negotiator) to form a mesh between NAT’d devices.
IIRC docker on Windows lives inside WSL, so everything is done on Linux anyway. What’s the issues you’re getting?