I’ve let it go about a dozen times now, still doesn’t take. Tried updating the system from desktop as well but no luck. I’d hate to factory reset it. I’ll sort it out and post back if I do. Thanks!
I’ve let it go about a dozen times now, still doesn’t take. Tried updating the system from desktop as well but no luck. I’d hate to factory reset it. I’ll sort it out and post back if I do. Thanks!
Anybody else have an issue installing this one where you go through the update process and are asked to reboot, but when you’re back in setting sit tells you the update is ready?
I know exactly what you mean! I’ve been on i3 with every build at home for like a decade or something now and it’s easily the most productive environment I can be in. Rarely change things in my config between machines so I end up just slapping the same dotfiles in first thing and I feel like I’m home.
Does it still have issues with the Office suite? Like Excel just flat out dropping the ribbon and window decorations?
It’s the only real way to push back that other folks will notice if enough of us do it.
Last time I went through DC a few weeks ago they were using these. I saw a sign saying you’re welcome to opt out. Nobody even questioned what they were doing and were just going along. When it was my turn I politely said I’d rather not do the scan. Dude just glanced at my ID and waved me through. The next few folks behind me blinked and said they didn’t want the scan either. If enough people push back it can at least maybe slow down the normalization of constant surveillance.
I always thought it was funny the inspiring poem engraved on one of our most treasured national monuments was made by and sent by the French. We can’t even fake it on our own 🙄
I’ve been 100% Linux for almost 8 years now and a fairly heavy gamer. There’s a handful of games with online anticheat stuff that devs refuse to make compatible, but beyond that it’s almost always click install and play in Steam even for stuff that isn’t “compatible”.
Last time I tried to engrave my seed on metal I got kicked out of the park.
You should see the rest of the overpriced toys these guys have marketed as genius over the years.
Anecdotal like the rest of the posts here, but I recently built a new rig for gaming/lab testing and used a Gigabyte board for the first time in a decade after seeing good reviews and a solid sale price.
About 3 weeks after setting everything up it just crapped out. Would reboot seconds after you pressed power. Checked and verified absolutely every other part, no luck. Tried to contact support, got the runaround for a few days until I was directed to a site to submit an RMA request.
That was a month ago, zero movement still. About 4 days into it I bought an identical part of Amazon and “traded” em. I’m usually pretty ethical about that kind of thing but this was ridiculous and I needed the PC working ASAP.
Who’s decent anymore? I always used to go with MSI.
Agreed. It sounds like most of your issues were just that you weren’t the primary user account. If you had done all this under hers it should have been pretty easy. I got mine second hand from my sister after the caught it on fire and I managed to repair it, had the same issues until I factory reset and set up an account for myself.
Not defending Meta at all, but I think I just had to check a box on their developer portal signed in to my account?
Anyway, I’m right there with you on picking up whatever valve has cooked up as soon as they announce something!
Woah, not sure what you ran into, but my install process was to check the box that I was a developer and side load the adb package. I’ve been streaming a dozen games from my EndeavourOS PC for a few weeks now with no issues.
Anecdotal of course, clearly your milage has varied.
ALVR works pretty well. Not zero setup but it’s there. 🤷♂️
They used to make us learn this in Basic Training for the Navy. It looked absolutely ridiculous and I loved it.
Yeah pretty sure I installed the experimental branch from the AUR. I just didn’t want the repo to be poisoned or something. 🤷♂️
Thanks for the info!
I’m planning to just Google my way out of this, but what’s the cleanest way to block the repo I’ve been using in yay from updates without uninstalling the version I’ve got running already?
This is total bullshit of course, but fyi those straps have wires run through them to alarm on tampering, it’s not like a wristwatch.
Source: was a total nerd in high school and had an extremely cute friend ask me if it was possible to circumvent…as an engineering challenge of course.