I don’t hate the man like a lot of people here but this a really good point.
I don’t hate the man like a lot of people here but this a really good point.
At my Walmart the employees don’t stop people from stealing food. They told me as much.
Sounds gross. I’m totally in.
I’m a big fan of traditional meats
Don’t just talk shit. Tell me what (and where) pasta I should be eating, goddamnit.
schadenfreude.googled it. Adding it to my lexicon. Gonna be a challenge to learn it by a few days of overuse but I’ll manage.
Fuck bob iger.
What the fuck is up with the pens and that mother fucker put on a deer shirt to go somewhere.
My man. Thank you. I have been screaming at my wife about this for years as if it was her fault. I’m really starting to think it’s because a lot of people are low key border line illiterate.
_EA is the fucking devil. They bought my favorite game, Ultima Online, and ruined it. _
You might hate this answer but I guarantee that man does better work when he’s high and that no danger of hurting anyone on the forklift.
I was really hoping the comments would be some sort of “what the fuck does he know?”
Real question. Does Tiwan in average care for English speaking tourists? Because I’d love to bring my family. I have always wanted to go to china too, but, yeah, maybe not.
Man. I have zero doubt I could mop the floor with this fuck nut. I don’t normally fantasize about such things, but could y’all imagine how good it would feel to get ahold of one of these “tough” guys for just a few min. I already know what would happen. The second they saw what was about to really happen, that the person they are talking to has no intention of talking back and is making their way towards them, they will crawfish fast as fuck. I’ve seen it a million times.
Don’t do it man. Don’t let them get your son.
I scrolled back up and was immediately overwhelmed with anxiety
Do y’all know how many times I got https://wiki.archlinux.org/ as an answer to my question? Used to piss me off but then I learned how to use the wiki. Lol. Thanks arch iRc!
If we left our internet on over night they would cut us off for a few days for “internet abuse”. It would be so hard to connect at peak hours. The modem would make all the silly sounds but end in a busy signal.