He’s obviously a terrible human being, I think you have to be to be a wildly successful CEO.
But those are the people who are best at running companies. I wouldn’t be good at it, because I’m not a piece of shit
He’s obviously a terrible human being, I think you have to be to be a wildly successful CEO.
But those are the people who are best at running companies. I wouldn’t be good at it, because I’m not a piece of shit
That entirely depends on your expectations of a company CEO
I can’t think of a company that wouldn’t hire someone with this kind of stock performance over 30 years.
The issue is really that consumers just keep spending money on things that they hate.
If they didnt do that, Bobby would have been gone a long long time ago
It only knows about things people talk about online. I bet it knows how trump likes his bed made, but doesn’t even know what you can do in a library
They shouldn’t allow pets in the office anyway
I usually keep one handy at all times, just so I can hold it up whenever the time is right and proclaim loudly:
“Anyone wanna screw?!”
I’ve never played deep rock galactic. It very well could be the exception that proves the rule.
Feeling punished for not playing, and feeling like a company is trying to manipulate me with psychological tricks to make me play their game is why I don’t play games with battlepasses.
I didn’t mind Diablo iii’s seasons journey at all, and that had rewards that were missable. But Diablo iv has like 90 levels, it costs money and you have to do stupid shit like kill world bosses 15 times with them being on a timer.
I’m not going to set a fucking alarm to log into a video game. I play games on my schedule, not the developers.
It sounds like deep rock has a much more sane system. Maybe I’ll give it a try.
I hate battlepasses
Nothing demotivates me more than a game with a battlepass. Really disappointed, I played and somewhat enjoyed the campaign, then totally lost interest at around level 20 in the first season.
Haven’t picked up the game in a long time, and it’s all because having a battlepass just kills the game for me.
It turns the game into completing the battlepass instead of just playing the game as I normally would. Ignoring the battlepass doesn’t work for me, because I know it’s there.
It triggers FOMO, but instead of making me want to play to not miss out, it makes me not want to play at all because I know completing battlepasses for me is highly unlikely
You need to put a little work in setting up a few different programs to all work together, the first time might take you awhile depending on how familiar you are with it (my first time it took me a few days to get everything set up how I like it).
But it’s worth it for the convenience you’ll enjoy
With a Usenet account, I was able to make things relatively autonomous.
I told it what I wanted and it found it immediately, downloaded it, renamed it, even replaced it with higher quality whenever it became available.
It would find new episodes of shows I asked it to look for as they aired, new movies I was interested in as soon as they became available, Scott’s, genres, it was crazy.
If I was at work and someone recommended me a movie, I could add it to an IMDb watch list and my PC at home would have it downloaded automatically before I even got home.
It was way too efficient for me, I don’t watch much ‘content’ in real life, but it was so easy and efficient I ended up with dozens of TB’s of stuff that I never had the time to watch to begin with.
I was a collector of ‘content’ and not a consumer of it. So I stopped torrenting and using Usenet.
But Usenet is really pretty awesome with the right setup. I felt like I didn’t need to do shit once I set everything up.
That guy has saved …… so much money! I’m jealous
I never understood this, because who is going to bu
I never understood this, because who is going to bu
Sure there is, it’s called likeness or personality rights
No you don’t understand. Everyone is very special and should be catered to at all times, regardless of how others around them may or may not feel.
What are you, some kind of bigot?
I think a lot of people misread my intentions on this post lol
I’d love to upgrade, but I think my phone is great still. Battery still lasts more than a day. I also like bigger phones, I use my phone like a PC, a lot of reading, writing and watching videos and stuff.
Bigger = better imo (at least for my use case)
I mean, that doesn’t make the point any less of a good one.
I tell my kids not to use drugs or drink all the time. Guess what I do?
Likely not for long. I’m sure I’ll be banned from this instance within 90 days lol
Just abandon social media, I cannot think of a single positive thing that could possibly come close to outweighing the incredible harm it can cause us, collectively and individually
Hey bro, Twitter sucks!
(I hope that helps too)
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