That sounds like ot could be a focused lesson. Why try to skirt around what the desired goal is?
That also could be placed into detecting if something is wrong with AI too. Teach people things to just help spot these errors.
In my experience, it’s so much more effective to learn how to find the answers and spot the issues than to memorize how to do everything. There’s too much now to know it all yourself.
I’d wager there are daily goods that have far more exploitation than most people would be comfortable with.
But you are right in some cases things aren’t necessities and could probably be limited or cut out. That being said, there’s a morale / mental component too. For example, you don’t need that chocolate birthday cake for your sibling, parent, child, etc., but it is still is considered very important. If it wasn’t there, it could be considered a huge blow and/or insulting.