Hey just letting you know, I got your message, I’ve just not had any time to find exactly where I put the boards yet it’s been a busy time. I’ve kept your message unread as a daily reminder though
An almost 30 Software Dev that enjoys gaming, woodworking, electronics and plenty of other hobbies. Too many hobbies.
Hey just letting you know, I got your message, I’ve just not had any time to find exactly where I put the boards yet it’s been a busy time. I’ve kept your message unread as a daily reminder though
So the past of the internet?
Shhh he’s a pirate, he has no concept of how much media costs.
You can give me a private message on here right?
Ahh, having a quick look around looks like I may have followed a corne build guide but just made sure I had choc stuff instead. (Don’t think there was an actual choc variant of the corne at the time).
I bought all of my parts here: https://mechboards.co.uk/
The machine pin socket was to hotswap the controller whilst also giving storage for the battery underneath. I think I followed a YouTube guide for that one. It’s not something you need to do though. If you are thinking of that and can’t find the video yourself I’ll try and look around for you.
But yeah if you give me an address I’ll try and see how much the postage will cost for you, and I’ll try and find where I’ve put them too. So don’t buy any of the extra parts until you know for certain I’ve sent pcbs your way. Just in case I don’t find them. Slim chance, but you never know.
There should be a parts list on that GitHub. You’d need two microcontrollers, two batteries, all of the switches and keycaps you want a bunch of resisters and hot swap sockets if you want hotswappable switches.
The keyboard is a modification of the corne so if you can’t find a tutorial on this one specifically I’d you want to watch a video, a corne one would suffice.
I code with mine on a daily basis with work. Best change i ever made for ergonomics and reducing RSI.
Thumb clusters so come in clutch like. Whenever I see a birthday Hertford I just think about the massive waste of space the space bar is on them.
For escape and whatnot I use combos so pressing the two leftmost keys on the top row at the same time press escape. The ones below that, tab, and below that ctrl etc. and i make modifiers like control and shift one shots if I don’t hold them down to help reduce RSI even further and so it’s easy to hit keys that they may be “covering up” as a combo.
Sorry commented on a different comment down in this thread with the answer, but for other people to see it easier:
It’s called a chocofi https://github.com/pashutk/chocofi
It’s based on a corne. I’ve got a bunch of bare pcbs available still if you want some, will just have to pay postage, I’m not really going to be doing anything with them.
I just have a 36 key split keyboard with layers and combo keys, don’t need a separate macro pad when my main keyboard just is one
Think you either have a strange definition of mild or a strange interpretation of adultery
This is why i never use the default folders, I will always make my own elsewhere.
V2 switch was LCD just like V1 with no physically obvious changes. Only the OLED model was OLED
You must’ve only played 1 wii game because pretty much every game used that speaker
So it did. Thanks haha
Voyager android
I have this and I installed via the play store, not via the browser to be a PWA (unless the play store version is just a PWA). Non beta version.
Edit: just seen that in the what’s new iron it points to the changelog to a ..1 version. But my app is ..0.
How do i update this? There’s no update pending on the play store from what I can see.
Settings page is normal, there’s nothing else in there indicating anything. I have this too.
I hate it so much, even when I NEED to go there for help and support, I know I’m likely the tenth person to ask the same question. I honestly don’t know why so many people love this way of support, just document it!