Nope, you’ve already explained how you are too stupid. Do better. Stop being a heartless moron. Being a hypocrite for a good reason is good. The fact you disagree is beyond pathetic. Sad.
Nope, you’ve already explained how you are too stupid. Do better. Stop being a heartless moron. Being a hypocrite for a good reason is good. The fact you disagree is beyond pathetic. Sad.
Being right and good is far, far, FAR better than the simple act of not being a hypocrite…
I’d MUCH rather someone be a “hypocrite” by deciding to do good things later, than by being a hypocrite for wanting to do bad things…
If you disagree, your morals are beyond fucked up.
IMO, “One app/library/etc does one thing only” is a rather ignorant form of wisdom about encapsulation, anyways.
Encapsulation is important regardless of how many disparate tasks a library handles. Doing one thing with one thing is a pretty good rule of thumb to get close to good results, but it is FAR from a golden standard, and serves to drag people away from the finer nuances of encapsulation.
The ONLY time it is a hard and fast rule is at the individual function level. A single function ideally should have one task to accomplish, even if that task has side effects.
I’m sure there are cross-dependency issues on an OS level that makes it a bit wiser to do for widely used system tasks, but to make it an absolute rule smacks of wisdom gone awry. Like not eating shellfish in the bible.
That makes precisely ZERO of it OK.
Yes. Stop using Google services.
Why is that the answer? Because Google WANTS you to use it, and it is not illegal to force you once you’re searching with them.
Ah yes, inches worth of snow in extra weight is tooootally fine… yep, no downsides to increasing deadwwight at all, nope, nosiree, engineers all agree, dead weight needn’t factor in to calculations at all.
You’re being downvoted, but that is EXACTLY how this otherwise benign moment will be weaponized by the right.
Republicans WILL share this as a slander, and the Dems will utterly fail to clarify the truth. They suck at clearing up Republican BS partly because clearing up lies always takes longer than speaking the lie, but the Dems have a track record of falling on their ass in the attempt.
The ratchet effect is real, which is why “enlightened centrism” is nothing but a moronic farce that runs cover for the ratchet mechanism. Republicans are literally vile, selfish pieces of shit that do not know what America stands for (or rather do not like what America stands for), and they MUST be treated as such.
Literal traitors should NEVER get the benefit of any doubt.
Bandwidth really depends on which busses you’re talking about. Within a computer, 8Gb/s is peanuts.
Even in 2003, a single PCIE v1.0 lane could do 2 Gb/s. Today, in the end-user commercial space, a single PCIE 5.0 lane can do 32Gb/s. That’s a connection that can be external to some degree. Not even talking about memory busses and internal caches that are already approaching terabytes a second.
No, it’s far less common, not less rare.
Guests are during operating hours. Pests are for off-hours visitors.
Don’t literally make up excuses to act like a Karen. She made no mention of such an issue, and such an issue doesn’t have to be an immediate, “everyone needs to change what they’re doing for ME!” situation.
Yea, it’s not C that is crap, but that it has zero guard rails. Like blaming a knife for not having a guard… Is it a bad knife without a guard? Depends on how sharp it is. The guard is orthogonal to the knife’s purpose, but might still be important when the knife is used.
Just because something doesn’t help prevent accidents does not mean it cannot serve its actual purpose well, unless its actual purpose is safety.
Memory safe language that’s becoming viable … as a proper replacement of C.
There are many other memory safe languages out there. Just not ones most would like to pull in to the kernel…
Plenty of women with penises out there.
… maybe none that’d touch Lindsey, but he did that to himself.
Making a meme makes them wrong, and God toootally isn’t Santa for adult babies because lol!
lololololol! See, if I laugh it makes them wrong! aahaha ha ha!
Some of the “anticheat” systems straight up decide not to work on VMs even with PCIE passthrough et. al. For example, I cannot run Elden Ring with its trash DRM because it says it cannot run under VM. I have PCIE passthrough, and the CPU id also passes through. Only the chipset reports anything VM, yet the “anticheat” decides not to run.
Fuck DRM. It has done nothing except push me to pirate more when I LITERALLY AM buying the games. Fuck those greedy actual morons (corporations who deploy DRM, not FromSoft specifically).
ha ha racism funny! Me smart. Upvote now.
It is both.
When your entire premise is wrong you don’t get to claim minor victories. They do not sum up to you being correct if you still get the wrong answer with the correct variables. You’ve shown your work but the answer is still wrong. Do better.
Not a generated shitgloss version. Anything but a generated shitgloss version.