Assholes like this love tipping culture. It gives them a feeling of power over people they see as lesser.
Amateur photographer. Mostly I take photos of birds, but also stuff that isn’t birds. Don’t steal my photos.
Assholes like this love tipping culture. It gives them a feeling of power over people they see as lesser.
Or the cops just shoot you and save everyone the hassle.
Except in the US. We don’t enforce those laws here.
Maybe if you havea heath condition that makes your hands thrash around uncontrollably, but then you shouldn’t be driving in the first place.
Secure from who? The law? Not likely. Some dude in his basement in Russia who really wants to know where I’m meeting my friends after work or what time my dentist appointment is? Big deal.
Honestly, who is actually stupid enough to still be sending sensitive personal information by text? It doesn’t matter what app you use to send it; once it’s sent, it’s inherently unsecure because now someone else has it in their posession with nothing but their personal integrity protecting it.
My phone can already send texts. Why the fuck would I install spyware to be able to also send texts?
Scabs are the worst.
I’mnot talking about as a worker, but as a consumer. You do not have to give your money to these places. If you value convenience and familiarity over customer support and workers’ rights, the problem is with your position, not mine.
You’re right, I guess we just shouldn’t try. We should probably just let corporations do whatever they want with no meaningful pushback and keep making our lives worse.
It’ll be our fault because we accepted these practices in the first place.
Why should the customer have to hand-hold shitty corporations while we pretend, againt all past evidence, that they’re ever going to learn to do better, when “doing better” isn’t their goal?
It’s not our job to fix bad business practices by rewarding them with continued business while they lie about “figuring things out.” It’s our job to condemn them to failure and bankruptcy for their atrocious anti-human behavior, and we’re failing miserably at it due to our toxic collective preference for short-term convenience over quality and long-term societal and economic health.
Or, and I know this sounds crazy, the highly paid professionals at the top of their field can do their job properly for the majority of their consumers.
My recommendation for anyone, but especially IT, is to learn how to use LLMs as they will be pervasive before you know it.
Better idea: stop doing business with companies that do this.
A lot of us live in apartments and choose not to be obnoxious assholes to our neighbors. Wheres the sound mix for us?
If you have to keep changing the volume throughout the movie, the audio engineer did a bad job, period.
You joke, but funeral services these days are around that price.
You wish it was that low.
They can sure as hell refuse you other services, though, and countless life-threatening conditions aren’t things you can just go to the ER for.
I think “landleech” rolls of the tongue better, but it feels wrong to compare them to something that plays a legitimate role in its ecosystem.
They like sports, which are very boring.
A large number of them are former muslims who managed to escape from oppressive islamic regimes, and are now outspoken activists against an evil ideology.
That’s pretty stupid on your part either way. Neutrality towards religion is simply complicity. “Hating them all equally” is absurd and simple-minded, as every religion differs wildly in the level of harm it does. Islam and christianity are objectively the most harmful religions in existence today, and to focus your disdain on the one that you have the most experience with or poses the biggest threat to you is entirely reasonable.