Yup, heard about it a week or two ago. Found it installed on my Samsung phone, it never asked for permissions or gave any info that it was added to my phone.
Owner / operator of moose.best
Yup, heard about it a week or two ago. Found it installed on my Samsung phone, it never asked for permissions or gave any info that it was added to my phone.
It’s just the chassis, screen, battery, and keyboard. You would just buy one of their boards separately to go in it, or make one yourself I suppose.
One of the few things decent about that site, ignoring all the potential misuses of community notes on other more serious topics.
Yeah, it was a Da Vinci back around 2012 I want to say? It was at a robotics competition as an exhibit, I just happened to go past while it wasn’t busy and got to spend 5 minutes manipulating a little toy they had set up. It felt incredibly futuristic with the 3D display and finger controllers.
I got to try one of these surgery robots one time and it’s to this day probably one of the coolest things I’ve been allowed to control.
Wait - I sing “I Will Survive” for karaoke, what’s the deal with that? Does everyone now think I’m gay? Because they would be wrong, I’m actually bi.
31 terabytes? Amateur.
Wouldn’t it be good to have the truth during investigations?
Well, yeah, but the mind is fallible. That’s why eye witness testimony usually only gets a case so far, people tend to forget specifics and fill in the gaps without realizing they did.
In the gaming world, for example, MSI announced this year a monitor with a built-in NPU and the ability to quickly show League of Legends players when an enemy from outside of their field of view is arriving.
…So it just lets them cheat? I remember when monitor overlay crosshairs were controversial, this is insane to me.
Lmao timers are essentially the only thing I use Bixby for, how did they manage to fuck this up so bad??
If a consumer watches something on their Apple TV and then presses the pause button, a Roku TV set could use either audio or video-based content recognition technologies (known in the industry as ACR) to identify what’s being watched, match the current scene to a database and extract relevant information to pair an ad with it.
Wow somehow their idea is even worse than I imagined, glad I don’t own a Roku now.
My roommate from a year ago was adamant CCleaner was required for his PC to keep running. In 2023. I was just shocked to see it was still even a thing.
I enjoy that the character that can break a lot of things is called the “non-breaking space”.
I just went through this process when I got a Dreame D10 Plus which has an identical root process as the L10s a few weeks ago with the intent of putting Valetudo on it. I ended up trying but failing after one of the header pins I was trying to flash it with broke off in the machine. If you are brand new to this stuff, personally I wouldn’t recommend trying it. If you still want to try, do not update the robot once you get it and either buy one of the programming boards or at the very least have some 2mm pitch header pins around (standard in NA is 2.54mm). I really wanted to run mine locally as well (don’t like the idea of someone gaining access to a full lidar map and remote controlled camera in my house) and hope in the future an easier method is discovered. I don’t know about the base station for each floor thing, I do know that Valetudo only supports a single map. From what I understand that means you’ll have to re-map each floor before cleaning. If you only want Home Assistant intergration there is a HACS intergration for Dreame that allows for multiple maps. You used to have to jump thorough some hoops and use it with Xaomi cloud or something but the newest beta allows sign-in using the Dreame app credentials.
I went through a somewhat similar situation to you it seems. I’m a pilot in Canada who had some medical issues and wanted to do the right thing and report it. Talked to my aviation medical examiner and he said it should be resolved within a month or two but it would need to be reviewed by the provincial head aviation medical examiner as it was a unique case. They came back wanting me to have 2 years of tests done costing $10k+ per year and monthly appointments to confirm I was fit to fly, and even after that I wouldn’t be allowed to fly alone to start which was required for the training I was doing at the time. So sadly I no longer fly. I tried taking it to a tribunal but that process was so disgusting slow it didn’t make a difference, lawyers could have helped but I didn’t have enough funds for one, my training was interrupted and it would have taken years to fight it. In terms of solutions, I really have no idea what can be done without a complete overhaul in the aviation medical system. The current system essentially requires a perfect health pilot or you don’t get a medical and it just encourages people to hide issues. It’s probably the major reason why alcoholism is so high among commercial pilots, it’s one of the few things that doesn’t put their career in danger as long as they stick to the rules.
Roblox may not be hosting the gambling sites but they certainly don’t seem to be trying to stop them. I thought there would be a bunch of hoops you would need to jump through in order to deposit Robux into the gambling site but it just straight up removes it from your Roblox account balance. Is there any legitimate reason as to why that’s a feature? My old account got hacked like 10 years ago and they had more security in place for removing Robux than they do now, at least then they had to deposit all mine into a group and then cash it out, you couldn’t just have it removed.
Not at room temperature. According to the Wikipedia page, one team in China has a preliminary report stating they got superconductivity (or at least 10^-5Ω) at 110°K, so maybe that temperature can be increased somehow?
I think it might still be too early to say for certain. It appears that a lot of the teams working on replication have pretty different outcomes and I think the theoretical studies have shown superconduction may be possible when a very specific structure forms, so maybe the formula just isn’t perfected yet or it needs very specific conditions to form correctly. We’ll know soon enough though, it’s at the very least still an interesting material that deserves more looking into.
Next time I need to replace my laptop I’ll be getting a Framework if possible. I hate having old electronics go to waste and my devices are usually still in very good condition, just the internals can’t keep up, so this sort of laptop was made for me. Plus I love tinkering with electronics and some of those modules look interesting!
I don’t know if I would call it lying per-se, but yes I have seen instances of AI’s being told not to use a specific tool and them using them anyways, Neuro-sama comes to mind. I think in those cases it is mostly the front end agreeing not to lie (as that is what it determines the operator would want to hear) but having no means to actually control the other functions going on.