News? Which news?
News? Which news?
What about Lux - it’s now discontinued but on my xiaomi mi 5 with a faulty brightness sensor that always reports full sunshine (and android 7) is doing miracles with the rooted plugin
When rooted a Xposed module might intercept and stop changing brightness level
The dokuwiki cookie is not for user tracking but for functional use. You don’t need user consent for functional use. OP should remove the useless cookie banner altogether
It’s a weak defense because the clients still exchanged metadata with other clients, plus there’s the big issue of using the copyrighted works for their own profit, and not just archiving/preservation/personal use
Where now are the copyright trolls that sued regular students for millions of dollars for downloading 30 songs?
Under federal law, the recording companies were entitled to $750 to $30,000 per infringement. But the law allows as much as $150,000 per track if the jury finds the infringements were willful.
Let me see:
So, a 15k billion dollars fine seem appropriate to give to Meta AND criminal sentences to all the c suite.
Or: apply the same rules to regular people and allow unlimited copyright violations without consequences
Protect from accidental data damage: for example the dev might have accidentally pushed an untested change where there’s a space in the path
rm -rf / ~/.thatappconfig/locatedinhome/nothin.config
a single typo that will wipe the whole drive instead of just the app config (yes, it happened, I remember clearly more a decade ago there was a commit on GitHub with lots of snarky comments on a script with such a typo)
Also: malicious developers that will befriend the honest dev in order to sneak an exploit.
Those scripts need to be universal, so there are hundreds of lines checking the Linux distro and what tools are installed, and ask the user to install them with a package manager. They require hours and hours of testing with multiple distros and they aren’t easy to understand too… isn’t it better to use that time to simply write a clear documentation how to install it?
Like: “this app requires to have x, y and z preinstalled. [Instructions to install said tools on various distros], then copy it in said subdirectory and create config in ~/.ofcourseinhome/”
It’s also easier for the user to uninstall it, as they can follow the steps in reverse
maybe it was openwebui and the phone corrected it to openwebzine
At one point in history did it allow to download from Spotify or it’s just an intentionally misleading name?
you need to use fat32 if you want normal people to access the files
Otherwise, they will get the “You need to format the disk in drive D: before using it. Do you want to format it?” dialog, they blindly click “yes”, then they will mumble to themselves “weird, he left behind a massive collection of blank drives…”
Tape isn’t readable by normal people even if they found it tomorrow with a drive already configured to be used.
In 50 years good luck finding a working drive compatible with LTO4 when LTO32 is out (it’s backwards compatible only with previous gen).
Unless you write on the box “here there are the keys for 100k bitcoins” they’ll just trash the tape
I learned that I can’t rely on someone else’s recipes: in my case it was abandoned/badly configured unraid apps. I now exclusively use a docker compose yml where i control and tag specific versions. I intentionally stay behind 2 versions on nextcloud (stable = alpha; oldstable = beta), and for databases i stay on the LTS. Then i import the calendar from endoflife.date in my calendar app to see if i have to move the target up a bit.
Every once in a while i go there and i update manually everything
4x is way far compared to 100x
the only case where hdds have a 100x ratio, is where apple scams their customers offering a 256gb upgrade for $200: it means $800 per terabyte (this price was a scam even 15 years ago), and a $500 18tb HDD is 100x “apple platinum grade ssd”
100x ? Did you sleep for 15 years?
A 2tb SATA SSD has a comparable price to a 4tb SATA HDD.
If it wasn’t for the Al bubble the prices would be even lower
yes, they say (weirdly only in italian and not in any other language) that the departure board can be accessed via their chatbot on whatsapp
Don’t understand this.
There isn’t an htpc mode on ubuntu, and you’re restricting results from australia. It seems normal that the results are irrelevant.
Maybe you’re searching for this, to install over vanilla ubuntu: https://github.com/dudewheresmycode/TenFootGnome
Behind a cloudflare tunnel you can use a self signed or expired certificate, just check the “no TLS verify” checkbox
Edit: or use DNS based verification, nginx proxy manager can do it automatically using cloudflare api when behind cloudflare tunnels
They’re making you a favor
After all the president, while pretending to care about fentanyl pardoned THE guy that did the most work in facilitating online sales of fentanyl