Every school I know requires two semesters and they don’t have to be the same language if that’s even an option. I’m in a heavy Spanish speaking part of the US too.
Every school I know requires two semesters and they don’t have to be the same language if that’s even an option. I’m in a heavy Spanish speaking part of the US too.
Spanish should be taught right along English in this country. But it won’t be because it’s only spoken by the “lessers.”
A large chunk of the population speaks Spanish yet it’s barely taught in schools
They have manufacturing in the US as well
I always like comments like this that don’t offer the “real” solution
How the year of the Linux gaming PC coming?
Pretty damn good! I can play all of my games that I want!
We are not involved with the snap repackaging.
I would argue this is the most important sentence in this article.
I broke the ever living hell out of I think hink it was Ubuntu 8 back in the day. I ended up giving up because I was constantly causing issues that I just didn’t have time for while going to college. Started using again when Windows 10 wouldn’t stop breaking itself and started using Ubuntu 20.04.
All of these rules!!!
Puppy Linux
It’s nice to have slightly more normal weather in the valley and coast, but the lack of mountain snow is concerning.
While it’s not unusual in an el nino year we weren’t really bolstered by heavier snow years beforehand.
Next summer has a good chance to be very interesting.
Lol a bug report from 2020
Snap isn’t that bad
Ubuntu is fine
People are not
Saving Private Ryan
Maybe we shouldn’t do that when it’s rooted in sexism
I wonder why the male form of a pair of words would be considered to be usable for everyone
I’ve never known a school that requires 4 years to graduate.