Maybe it’s because of GraphenOS? I tested it on Android 13 Vanilla (Nokia X1) with Voyager 2.17.1 (F-Droid) and Swiftkey and it works. Are you also using version 2.17.1? Did it work with 2.17.0?
German Let’s Player / Streamer. 🕹️GNU/Linux🐧& Fediverse 🦣🐁 📷 🔁 Enthusiast. Break the Windows and Gates. There is a bad Face behind the Musk.
Maybe it’s because of GraphenOS? I tested it on Android 13 Vanilla (Nokia X1) with Voyager 2.17.1 (F-Droid) and Swiftkey and it works. Are you also using version 2.17.1? Did it work with 2.17.0?
What device do you have? Do you have Android Vanilla / Android from the manufacturer, or do you have a Custom Rom? Sorry for the stupid question, but you only mentioned two keyboard apps. Have you tried other keyboard apps, for example Fossify Keyboard? Where did you get Lemmy from (Google Play, GitHub, F-Droid)?
You’re probably right. Unfortunately, you can’t always assume that. Some apps have completely replaced the old theme with Material You. And since not everyone likes Material You, I asked about this possibility.
If Material You is implemented, could the current theme settings still be made available? At least if it’s too much effort to maintain it.
Here is also a website where you can see if there is an open source port to non-open source games or an alternative that e.g. tries something of its own / based on the gameplay. As an example, the following “clones” are listed for Minecraft: Minetest, Mineclone2 (now VoxeLibre), ManicDigger and more.
Edit: fixed some grammatic fails.
To name a few: AssaultCube, Battle for Wesnoth, Cube2: Sauerbraten, FligthGear, Freeciv, Freeciv21, Nexuiz Classic, OpenArena, OpenHV, OpenRA, OpenTTD, Remnants of the Precursors, SpeeDreams, Stone Kingdom, SuperTux, SuperTuxKart, Unciv, Urban Terror, Veloren, Warozone 2100, Widelands, Xonotic
P.S. It may be that not all of them are FOSS, but they run natively on linux.
The Half-Life Games.
Ok, that’s really strange. The others seem to have the same problem with different solutions, which doesn’t work for everyone. That’s why I would suggest opening a new issue on GitHub. And post the link below your post so that others can contribute.