Answer most of these questions with.
Money. Obsessive greed
Selling their data for sweet Dolla Dolla bills
Pffft. Loose change for apple.
You know the answer b
The answer to most questions is money.
Ads = money
I had a niggly feeling that you may have a brain that was analyzing for a pattern. Makes sense.
I’m sure there are plenty of anomalies within the community. And as you previously pointed out there will be a lot of hypocrites.
Much easier to flip flop online than it is the real world. Nobody to call you out. I think there are a whole heap of variables that aren’t captured when viewing things online.
People do not act “typical” Therefore a lot of research is flawed because it expects a degree of normalcy that is skewed when viewed online.
That’s just my thoughts on the matter. I am not a math nerd but background in psychology and behavioral job currently
What signs ? I don’t mind being bothered. Why I wanted clarification. I am/ was under the impression it’s an internet forum and there’s no mob mentality.
I think you are potentially overthinking a comment on a meme bit who knows.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
That is a lot of thinking. It’s interesting you mentioned echo chamber then go on to describe an echo chamber. Nobody on any subreddit lemmy nor community all have the same thoughts and feelings.
So there shouldn’t be a single idea. That’s not a good thing. For humanity to work, discourse is required.
Single ideologies that are narrow and never wavering are pretty bad news.
See example Nazi Germany.
What community?
Yeah I suppose that’s pretty fair.
My only defense I suppose is that regardless of their data being harvested. They vote against their own interests.
They have been warned for decades that their data was being harvested. They did not listen because they do not care. They do not vote for things that would improve my life. So even if the statement is correct.
It does not change the outcome. People will vote for what they want. We are not altruistic.
We should be. As things that improve others will inherently impact us. As voting for selfish reasons will folly us all the same.
Makes sense
Sorry I don’t grasp your comment. Can you elaborate
Noice. Will check it out
Do you need a rooted phone for that app.?
I used to use YouTube converter. However I got Spotify and it was beyond easy. Also google shut down google music.
Converting vs Spotify is a no brainier though. Costs like $30 a year
Oh no not my fb and insta.
Oh wait. I don’t have that trash.
Carry on
How do you high seas music ?
I vane from limewire days. Then I used YouTube then moved to Spotify.
Can we just sue stupid things now. Who takes this care ? Wouldn’t it be laughed out of court ?
Can we use these cases to remove these people from gene pool.
Makes sense,
Well volcano lair sounds great. Until it blows.
Pretty good science. But who knows.
I think if it goes. North island goes. It’s a super volcano. Whole of Taupo. So South island might survive but the ash cloud and radiation might do them in
Guns create violence.
Crossbows have a similar ideology.
They turned a woman into a killer, a child. The frail the weak. Anyone could unclip a bolt to the face and kill.
But crossbows are obvious. You can’t sneak them into schools.
If you want guns. Why ?
To kill pests ? Then rifles not handguns. Rifles are harder to sneak