Say it ain’t so! 😂
Say it ain’t so! 😂
Manipulative headline. It’s not holding up anything as much as people are trying to make sure they can still feed their families in the face of the insatiable corporate hunger for cost cutting to yield ever more profits.
So weird when people’s meager needs are passed over for rich people’s profits instead.
Message control.
This is why they bought the media in the first place, so what they say is loudest.
There’s a few ways to beat rich executives, quite a few.
Profits above all else. Whose the next CEO then?
I never thought I’d ever see someone argue against helping kids with cancer DIRECTLY when we have excess in the palm our hands, and yet here we are.
I’ll never understand spending that money like that instead of helping kids with cancer.
Probably one of the several reasons why I am not rich.
I’m really enjoying Bluesky strangely enough, not normally my thing.
Has there been any movement from those wallets in the years since Satoshi went dark?
We’re not going to hit those targets anyway… SO LET’S MAKE IT WAY FUCKING WORSE
I wonder if we’ll ever get to the place where people like this unexpectedly meet violent ends. They’ll sacrifice any number of lives for their shareholders interests.
Any one want to guess who will really end up paying for the price hike?
It’s not AT&T.
Exactly, if you choose to work for a company then that is in support and furtherance of that companies goals / operations.
We are not so helpless as we sometimes like to claim.
With his ethics there’s no way I’d let any company controlled by him attach itself to my brain.
I have a hard time imagining that for any profit driven corporation, but most especially him.
Moved to Firefox some months ago, it’s fine. Small adjustment but browsers generally offer high interchangeability
We demand infinite growth. Why? Because shareholders want to buy shares and sell them later for more.
Do anything it takes to make that transaction happen, cut people’s jobs en masse, whatever.
He’s broadcasting to all businesses and billionaires that anyone who strongly supports him gets their back rubbed right back.
He’s not saying EVs are great, that we should support them because it’s good policy, the right move for America etc.
Its simply quid pro quo.
Yeah, fully agree. This is one of the reasons big tech is dangerous with AI, their sense of humanity and their instincts on what’s right are way off.
Oozes superficiality. Say anything do anything for market share.
Wow you’re being down voted hard.
One of the problems with anonymous payments is that they can be used by foreigners with deep pockets, money laundering (which snowballs into much bigger problems), etc. I can understand why they’d push back so hard.
The problem with tracked payments is the loss of privacy and over control. Can understand why they’d push back so hard here too.
One of those issues with no good solutions in sight. Yet. Maybe. You basically have to pick your poison.
US citizens need to be very careful about their next steps.
If you do this wrong you will hand Trump all the reasons / excuses he needs to enact martial law (and have support for that) and then say bye bye to term limit. You need to think about the next 20 years, about a Trump dynasty etc.