- This is a privilege a lot of city kids don’t have
- No to fires lmao wtf
- They only did that stuff because there was literally nothing else to do. Not because it was more fun.
Under the bridge is where the junkies hang out and you’re a shit patent if you want your kids messing around construction sites lmao
Ew you talk with your mouth full
So then parents should just not get their kid a smartphone and stop trying to police everyone else’s kids. It really is that simple
I grew up in the 90s and my entire childhood neighborhood is concrete now. The overgrown wash where we built forts is gone. The desert surrounding the area? Gone. It’s just roads, shitty apartment buildings, and cement for miles. Maybe it didn’t change for you but my kids could never grow up the same way that I did there. Most of the more wild areas are gone. Banished to the outskirts of town now. Hell, we don’t even really have sidewalks and hardly anything is walkable due to traffic. It has everything to do with cars in plenty of places. There is literally nowhere for kids to be kids within walking distance of me now either.
I would guess that most of them consider themselves homeless. Especially if they’re living in those makeshift tent cities. Either way, they are homeless if they don’t have an address.
It’s not a lifestyle if it’s not by choice. Try finding a job without an address. The people that do it as a “lifestyle” are usually just wealthy turds or social media dweebs larping as happy families on the road despite their kids being obviously miserable
My least favorite cat fact I learned recently is that they can have random numbers of nipples. Sometimes even odd numbers of nipples. Enjoy!
You’re definitely not like a poor person if you’ve got $3,500 lol
I still have my old dev version of the Oculus. It came with fancy changeable lenses lol. I don’t regret that one at all and now it kinda feels like a little piece of history
Your point? It’s still not really a valid comment. Just a braindead joke that’s played out even when it’s actually relevant lol
Not just tech. I know GEICO (insurance company) has laid off a few thousand at least. They’re also union busting bitches.
So, really not any different than now
Ah yes, the metric measurement of time. My favorite.
It’s not impossible to understand or scrutinize. They give it specific things to look for. It does what it’s told. You can make the argument that ANY tool used by the police will be misused in their favor. AI isn’t special for that by any means. It’s not like we bother to hold anyone accountable for anything else now anyway. Maybe the AI will be less biased
It’s definitely not doing the same work as a human if humans are spared sifting through hours upon hours of less useful footage. I’m sure they’re testing it etc. Nobody goes all in on this stuff. Really, you guys can be so very dramatic lol
How are y’all getting BG3 to be tolerable on the deck? I’ve tried a few suggested settings but it always feels really bad :(
Then figure it out because people have been talking about it for a long time.
What’s not clever is making stuff up to not really make a point after typing a whole paragraph lmao
It’s getting to the point where I have to use AI to help me sift through all the AI bullshit :(
Yeah except you can’t really find a TV without the “smart” features anymore and I already have an echo cube thingy that does the smart stuff lol. So in my case it’s not really a waste to leave it off. My other TV is connected to the internet and I can’t even go to the gd settings page without being bombarded with ads it’s super dumb