I lost a lot of respect for Ted Talks when these guys were allowed to use theirs as an ad.
I lost a lot of respect for Ted Talks when these guys were allowed to use theirs as an ad.
I’m not convinced he was catching the casings. He seems to be correcting malfunctions.
No one here is suggesting we should reelect Trump. People are saying that Biden will lose. The only chance we have, however slim, is to ditch the guy who can’t form coherent sentences. People didn’t vote for Biden because he’s Biden. People voted for Biden because he’s not Trump. Whoever takes his place will also have that going for them, with the advantage of being lucid.
US Flag Code:
It could potentially work out like netflix letting users keep the discs they had.
There are many causes of power surges. While one potential cause is poorly maintained equipment, that is far from the only cause. Things like lightning strikes, tree or storm damage, load fluctuations, or equipment faults can cause them. They happen quickly enough that the protective systems can’t always prevent damage to equipment downstream, but those systems are designed to protect the distribution equipment, not the loads themselves. Surge protectors are designed to protect your loads from surges and are important devices to protect sensitive equipment. OP is supposedly an electrical engineer, but this is either outside of their wheelhouse or they are just trying to jump on the enshittification bandwagon.
Then why would you imply that power surges are necessarily caused by shitty infrastructure and not by physics/nature/technical limitations/unpreventable system faults? Just to feed into the enshitification circle-jerk?
They don’t follow the grid frequency because the EU or US regulations require it, they follow the grid frequency because physics demands it.
This is only supplying like 3.5 amps, so not going to trip any breakers.
Sure the R1s are large, but R2 and R3 are much more reasonably sized and are planned to be lower priced. It seems that these new EV companies like to go with fewer of their higher end cars in the beginning to fund the production of the larger volume, more economic models later.
Seriously. Don’t cover your eyes and pretend you can’t see why the government treats US companies different than companies that are directly in the hands of adversaries. They might not care if Meta uses it to profit off of us, but they certainly do care if China will use it to achieve an advantage over us, militarily or otherwise.
I’m currently in the Army. I generally choose to wear my uniform even on occasions where we are able to wear civilians for the same reasons you mentioned. Life is much simpler that way.
Concerning the pilot wasn’t able to fly it back, I’ll with you the best of luck with your endeavor.
I just played Spider-Man Remastered. Had a blast. Thought I might get motion sick swinging around, but it wasn’t an issue at all.
I checked before this comment and it is posted on the TED channel, not TED X.