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this is your fault.
I worked at Goodwill sorting donations 20 years ago. This is nothing new. They price according to what they think they can get for it. And if we got in designer stuff that we thought we could make money off of, there was a Goodwill website we sold it on. This is the way it’s always been.
and this is why we dont fuck with the chinese wall
It is, which is why the comment didn’t advocate for it. Signal has more robust encryption than telegram, but its not zero-trust. They should really be using private hosted services instead of public or pgp, but when battle kicks off you use whatever works and then go back and revise as needed when you’re not dodging bombs.
Well you’re wrong. Have an upvote.
Correct. They comply with court orders, its a business. People still need to be secure in how they use it, which that guy wasnt. So if you’re attempting to evade the government, use a vpn. All your data is encrypted, where you access it from and your billing information cannot be.
I use sanoid on my home server. I’d assume most large scale environments are using zfs or a proprietary solution.
I was able to play ubisoft games online with my friends. That was my last use case for windows.
Time to be broken up for real this time.
You’re just straw manning without the commitment.
Any professional still using team viewer deserves this. I just feel sorry for all the novices that get caught up in this.
Obviously the only solution is to disable local accounts and force people to upload their sensitive documents to one drive.
Its crazy their doing this while their CEO is being dragged on front of congress for their massive security breaches. Almost as if a monopoly is a bad.
Used to be embedded systems mostly. Microwaves and the like. Although with the advance of the smart home I don’t know I’d that’s still true.
I picked up obsidian because it is a perfect diary app w/ templates and daily notes built in. But it’s so damn customizable that my obsidian notebook has become an all consuming passion of knowledge base and personal project managment that requires me to be productive IRL to generate more content for me to catalogue. Really appeals to the data hoarder in me, been a game changer. Highly recommend. Perfect 5/7.
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processing measured in teraflops. data measued in petabytes. coolness measured in gigachads.
Everybody keeps saying it was found by luck, but this seems like it was found by a guy who maintains his repository properly and monitors his CPU cycles diligently just to prevent this sort of thing. I guess I would call it lucky he found it so quickly, but it was definitely not found by luck.
Still there for me