Oh that’s a small fix. Thanks for the help :)
Oh that’s a small fix. Thanks for the help :)
I am overjoyed!!! As I watched the Olympics I thought that all the equestrian sports needs to be replaced with hobby horsing. Let the poor horses be… The jockeys need more guts and do it all on a hobby horse
i went on knowyourmeme.com but couldn’t find what you said. that’s the first site i go to.
you know what I always stan for? “former Twitter”. I just love that shit! I hope it always stays like this to show that the rebranding didn’T work
i’ll save this comment to look back on it when it’s actually time. this all sounds so well-thought-out. i’m really humbled by your thoughtful advice
thanks. i’ll look into that. i know about m.2. good advice :)
well, even 2 years ago, my Pc couldn’t run some games smoothly that eat ram. i was a pretty prolific cities skylines player and that thing EATS ram like nobody’s business.
thanks! I wasn’t sure what to expect when asking this. i feel very old and i’m happy that nobody made fun of me but you’re providing help to me in a kind and generous way! have a good one
thanks for your comment. windows is on a ssd, but i’d like a second one to load some stuff faster. my stuff was bought and configured 10+ years ago so my SSD is 128gb
great points. thanks! would you know a price point i should have in mind for a mobo? i am not playing the latest and greatest games and not rendering videos, would like upgradability especially with ram.
i guess I would. my CPU is as old as the MoBo. its a I7 4770K (which came out in 2013 RIP), i think that proves i made a great investment back then for my PC to still run great after 10+ years Oo…
so. For dumb people like me (or just for me to be clear), how do I play those games? i watched the video and read the site. there’s a link to the MM gamefiles on GitHub, but the video said you still need the ROMs? or this RT64? I’m old and apparently at some point, you just lose tech savvyness… :( can I get a step-by-step?
Hey. I’m a noob pretty much. I was wondering if there is a way to test out TomTom Live traffic services on my Tomtom Rider 50. I bought it used, there’s an account on it. I’m scared if I reset it, that the map will be gone. And that’s 50€. I didn’t find anything so far. Only thing I find is the apk for the mobile app, but nothing for the actual satnav
absolutely insane person. that’s not fine. you’re not doing the right thing. i will stop interacting here since you’re toxic. you mentioned something about “god”. so go ahead read your bible. maybe there’s hope for you there.
You’re a looser for believing all that BS and for contributing to endless suffering and ecological collapse. Meat is amongst the top 3 contributors to climate change. It’s in no way at all healthy (that’s a lie spread by the industry, but go on believing that). If you cared at all about humans or the planet you live on, you’d know to stop.
But “I do what I want, nothing I do has consequences” is the type of shit that led all of us here.
“No reason to stop eating meat”?! There is literally no reason for eating it. You were lied to and made comfortable with the meat industry that ruins everything. Please watch anything read anything about animals, environment and the meat industry.
yes. normal people getting paid to post that.
it’s interesting how many comments show that people like to read the headline and are content with that to form an opinion. literally the first paragraph says that it’s not “THERE ARE NO POSTS” but it says that the “feed is swamped by a combination of perfectly curated photos and professionally created content.” - the problem is that the paid content creators have become GOOD. so many of them really look like they are just opinions and casual mentions of movies/clothes/…things. viral marketing is really at a point where so many fronts that have been established have been broken down in the guise of “irony” or “sarcasm”. “I’m only buying the Barbie merch ironically” etc.
ah i guess that’s in the process of changing. you can see this happening right now. more right-wing memes, more “look at this cool movie/toy/outfit… i found. it’s really me, a normal human being just like you!”
Who could have foreseen that?! That’s never happened before! UwU