I already have a master’s thesis. This was harder.
I already have a master’s thesis. This was harder.
Radeon Open Computational Matrix’m
Sort of a known issue via Zigbee coordinators and USB 3 - using a USB extending cable for the dongle should fix the issue
Musk doesn’t understand database design (or the existence of PRIMARY KEY ()
), surprise.
Charging a one time fee for the API seems like a decent way to ensure continued operation.
But if you don’t like it, you can run your own server
Probably going to happen regardless of survey, since Lenovo is doing it
Sure, but that helps prevent degradation due to charging cycles, not charging capacity
Would definitely be really nice since we tend to leave our Steam Decks plugged in all day
Fun fact, both MySQL and MariaDB are named after Michael Widenius’s children.
The SQL and DB portions are named after Widenius’s inability to escape his creations from bring taken over by capital interests. (/s)
Tbf, the Steam Deck shows up as device type: laptop in the Steam Deck Hardware Survey.
If you don’t want to set up anything, you could just use Steam Screenshots
It does make the frames go faster 🔥
Indeed, but since they’re trying to be competitive on price here, I wonder if they’re competitive on features…
Wonder if supports CEC like the Steam Dock
Valve won’t be anytime soon (valvetime)
Though other OEMs will (and maybe have SteamOS soon).
I will say that the Steam Deck is well crafted - if all the games you’d like to play are compatible with the specs, I’d just recommend it based on all the previous support it’s received.
Yep, just use Protonup
Heroes of Hammerwatch, Windblown, and Risk of Rain 2
Been nice since the SO also has a steam deck now.
Hopefully getting some OEMs on board (that want SteamOS on their handhelds) makes it easier to maintain - I’m sure that’s what they’re kind of hoping for before releasing a general release.
Wonder if this has CEC support, that’s a pretty important feature they’ve finally added to the Steam Dock
Nice, another game to play with our dual steam decks 😄