I think I missed a joke there didn’t I…
The tea looks about right, not sure about the tiny handle on the mug though.
not for builders tea, it’s designed with boiling water in mind.
We were a country of coffee drinkers before we were a country of tea drinkers.
there are so many flavours to explore with tea and tisanes.
Often served very strong with a lot of suger, and a bit of milk.
Builders tea is (cheap) english breakfast in a tea bag.
You are older than you feel.
The best thing about 1.0 is that it has ported most fo the topalogical fixes from realthunder!
thanks for the heads up.
roof materials are pretty easy near me as 99% of rooves are tile.
Probably won’t do any mapping today, but recently I have been adding roof materials mostly so streets.gl looks better.
Someone studied chemistry