Took me like a day on bluesky to find all the funny people. Never saw any funny people on mastodon. :-(
Took me like a day on bluesky to find all the funny people. Never saw any funny people on mastodon. :-(
Nazis do both at the same time because they lie
Nobody is claiming that it isn’t great for deworming horses and other related anti-parasitic applications. But it is provably not effective at combating COVID or cancer, and mocking people who conflate the legitimate uses for the imaginary uses under the guise of “its a WHO essential medicine” is morally correct.
Same, I use it as my travel laptop. I like this keyboard + stand.
The default iPhone app and sign-up process for the main instance is pretty darn straight-forward. I’ve never been a Twitter guy so I can’t speak to functionality, but it seems fine to me already.
Just solved an issue with transcoding where I had to delete the codec. It redownloads on server launch so was an easy fix.
Sports journalists in particular — so annoying that all breaking NFL news goes through Xitter.
It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times? You stupid monkey!
What’s rough about it? I’ve never been a twitter guy so can’t really compare, but I have a Mastodon account that I pop into periodically, and it works fine.
While I agree with others pointing out the oddity of a portable server in general: this sounds like a great use-case for a laptop.
Built-in battery, wifi you can broadcast out as a hotspot, and it even has a display/keyboard/mouse for troubleshooting!
An older laptop with the optical drive stripped out could have a 2.5” 5TB HDD in addition to the boot drive for some decent mobile storage.
Yep. I overwrote all my content and deleted my account, and the criminal enterprise known as Reddit violated COPPA by restoring it all, and now that the account is deleted, I can’t get back in to try again.
Agreed, but here in CA where it’s legal, you can purchase it with lower levels of THC.
whispers quietly in your ear: “Usenet”
The “weird” thing is so hilarious, they absolutely hate it and their only defense is “but drag queens.” They’re so fucking obsessed with LGBQT+ and can’t pivot away from it even as you make them look weirder and weirder.
Looks like you edited it to make sense, cheers. Beep boop.
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
That’s pretty funny since manually searching some keywords can usually provide helpful data. Should be pretty straight-forward to automate even without LLM.
I mean, it wouldn’t stop them from continuing to post to Xitter. They can do both!
I’ve driven through almost every state, and Vermont was easily in the top-3. But I did go in August.
Hey nice try gaslighting but anyone with eyeballs can see the fucking nazi salute, fuck all the way off