Mhhh, your profile picture remind me of something
Dude Tc helicon dropped software support for the GoXLR 1 year ago, indeed the community continuing the support for this device was at first a GoXLR control software for Linux that, after some time, became a windows app too.
Then I need to change email address for my bank account, and it would probably be a hassle to do.
No problem, my guy. I found myself in the same situation with over 1,000 subscriptions. After finalizing the script yesterday, I quickly unsubscribed from all of them, saving my time, mental health, and my mouse switches!
I have deleted my YouTube channel, but my subscriptions are still active. I can’t delete my entire Google account because it contains important information that I don’t want to lose.
I have a bone to pick with Instagram. The platform only allows me to remove 100 likes at a time, and I have to do it manually, post by post. Even though I haven’t used their ‘remove like’ feature in months, attempting to do so now results always in an error. And just to clarify, I haven’t used any scripts to remove my likes; I’ve always done it manually, yet Instagram continues to block me.
I don’t know what the hell are you talking about
No better default gui?
The actual account name
I have a Elite controller v2 and I wasn’t able to pair it on my laptop with arch, indeed I had to follow this instruction on their wiki
Use a Windows 10 computer on the same Bluetooth adapter to pair with the controller. It must absolutly be on the same Bluetooth adapter, i.e. the same computer (can be inside a virtual machine with Bluetooth passthrough) if it’s an internal Bluetooth adapter, or the same Bluetooth dongle. Then, you can get the pairing keys and install them within your Linux Bluetooth system.
Tho if you watch carefully on the xpadneo wiki, if you want to pair a xbox elite v2 controller with bluetooth you first need to pair it on windows with the same bluetooth card to be able to use it!
Ah ok thanks!
I’ve heard of it before, but the one thing preventing me from using it is my uncertainty about whether the mapping is done through software. Do I need Rewasd to always run in the background, or with the Elite V2 can I remap the key bindings directly on the controller without needing the software to be active?
I’m not looking to update the firmware of the controller; rather, I want to customize certain settings, such as rebinding keys and adjusting actuation points. While some of these modifications can be done with third-party software on Linux, my controller inherently supports these features at the hardware level. Therefore, I don’t see any reason not to take advantage of it
I’m not placing blame on the Linux Foundation, Linus, or anyone else for that matter. However, I believe that if Linus has publicly endorsed the use of Rust in the kernel, that decision is already largely set in motion. On the other hand, if the community collectively opposes the integration of Rust with C and no action is taken to address these problems, and everyone say no, then there is little to no reason to make the initial statement.
Much of the work being produced by Rust developers seems to struggle, often because it’s not made in C and because of maintainers saying “No I don’t want any rust code near my C code”.
I recognize that there are various technical factors influencing this decision, but ultimately it was the creator’s choice to support it.