Thank you for this tip! I saw your comment and I checked my 2FA app, Aegis, and it has a “Steam” option as well!
(When creating an entry, you can just select “Type: Steam” instead of “TOTP”)
Thank you for this tip! I saw your comment and I checked my 2FA app, Aegis, and it has a “Steam” option as well!
(When creating an entry, you can just select “Type: Steam” instead of “TOTP”)
I haven’t tried it, but I’m pretty sure I remember seeing a decky loader plugin for it!
On accessing Youtube: I’ve been using FreeTube for years and it’s great, it even has support for Sponsorblock, and your subscriptions are stored offline in the app, among other benefits. For the browser, there is also the Libredirect extension, which you can use to easily redirect to Piped or Invidious instances.
If you manage to get yt-dlp to work (btw check that you have the latest version), I’ve also used the “play with MPV” Firefox extension in the past.
Tasker: I haven’t used it, but I’ve seen useful automations over the years from people online and I would probably use a good FOSS alternative.
But that is my point: downvoting the news will not keep people from using it; the people who will want to use it will find it anyway.
In any case, people still want to be aware about it, especially the people who disagree and downvoted it, so they should have upvoted instead, in order to have a proper discussion about the issue they supposedly care about.
Trying to bury it in downvotes to make it disappear from “Hot” does the exact opposite.
Wow, so many downvotes probably from people hating the news, this is not what the downvote button is for.
It’s about if a post or comment contributes or triggers interesting and engaging discussions.
Specifically for news articles, I find it important to upvote if I’m glad the article was posted at all, since it helps raise awareness about an issue etc, or if I probably wouldn’t have found the article posted on another platform, so maybe I wouldn’t have learned about it at all.
Even if it’s fake news, it’s better for me to be aware that misinformation in being spread about the issue, with people in the comments explaining why it’s fake with sources etc.
The upvote/downvote button is not a change.org petition for making a problem go away by disagreeing with it.
For emulators:
In general:
I don’t remember any others off the top of my head, but the gist is that when I’m annoyed by some weird specific input I start fiddling with Steam input for a few minutes to try and make it work more easily 😅