Same here but with WebStorm.
Same here but with WebStorm.
Hacker News has a monthly Whose Hiring thread which has a remote tag in the template. There’s a website that pulls all the comments out and makes it into a job board of sorts but I can’t remember what it is.
I’ve seen tags used well in general communities, like country specific ones especially. /r/newzealand was strict about their post flair so that people could filter out politics or shitposts if they didn’t want to see it but still wanted to engage with the other content.
It was either that or a C++ programmer. Those template error messages are gnarly.
Yep that’s the one. If you can make a cron job to make the zip file, logrotate could handle keeping the last x files.
It might sound complicated, but the cool thing about *nix environments is that everything is made up of a combo of little tools. You can learn one at a time and slowly build something super complicated over time. First thing would be figuring out the right set of commands to make a zip file from the directory I reckon. Then add that to cron so it happens every day. Then add logrotate into the mix and have that do its thing every day after the backup runs.
Sounds like a job for logrotate. It does more than just log files, kinda average name I guess. Checkout this server fault q&a for more details. https://serverfault.com/questions/196843/logrotate-rotating-non-log-files
The one thing I find difficult in Insomnia is making the auth common across a group of requests. I end up duplicating existing requests which doesn’t help if I need to update the process at all. Is there a way to use common auth routines yet?
I didn’t put too much in my intro as I don’t think I’m all that interesting and I didn’t want people to think I was getting a big head. Short version of my relevant bio:
Sweet, sent you a DM
I could do a bit of moderation if you need some help.
Tech has an abundance of people who really need to be right in an argument. I’ve had this same argument with a developer at a client company of mine. Just couldn’t let it go when I said I was comfortable with the Jetbrains suite and used their language specific tooling instead of VSCode.