This gave me a chill, as it is reminiscent of a scene in the 1970 movie “Colossus: The Forbin Project”
“This is the voice of World Control”.
This gave me a chill, as it is reminiscent of a scene in the 1970 movie “Colossus: The Forbin Project”
“This is the voice of World Control”.
For OsmAnd+, there is another option for addresses. OpenSuperMaps joins national address registries with openstreetmaps. For American maps, it enables OsmAnd to make sense of American style address searches.
It is phenomenal.
Really? What about everything your employer shares about you? Whatvavout the faxt they litterally monitor everything you do?
Zero control, and sure don’t do anything non-work, but since you give at least 8 hours per day to work, they collect all sorts of metadata, like when you’re most productive when you eat, how you interact with people, personality quirks, facial scans, home address, ssn, bank account, phone number, 401k investments… Everything, basically.
Some things one has to be willing to forgo. I grew up before all this crap happened, so i just never let it infiltrate my world too much.
Still, it comes at a cost that increasingly includes Social isolation. Very few give a rats ass about privacy. They’re blissfully clueless and don’t see the point of doing all the extra work. After all they 'have nothing to hide". (Aren’t they adorable?).
Come to grips with the fact most people are both stupid, and sheep. Seek the ones who have some clue of what is going on not just around them, but in the rest of the world.
You can set KeePassDX to use a pin for quick unlock. It does not have the remote access feature, but i use Synology Drive to keep the file synchronized, and it does a decent job of autopopularing fields.
Well, i can vouch that many small businesses and non-profits do here in the U.S. of A., and sometimes community announcements or events are on Facebook. I’ve never had an account, so i have missed many events that i know about, and probably thousands that i don’t.
It’s hellish and socially isolating. Thankfully, there are other resources, but they seem woefully inadequate at times. NextDoor at least seems to be a reasonable town bulletin board but it is very noisy.
I don’t knowvwhat mtls is, but Joplin has mostvof what you want. It does not have card layout native, but there might be a plugin for that.
For me, a C# developer by trade, this is easily solved with a one command C# call. It’s possible you already have dotnet 6 or 8 on your distro as there are many C# Linux apps now.
Any android device that was released since Android 10 can take a GSI image. I know a galaxy tab 8 can run the GSI from Andy Yan based on testimonials. I will eventually install it on mine. I have it on my galaxy tab 10.1 2019 and I added MicroG. I’ve been running that for over 2 years.
Install something like LineageOS and use Librera or another reader from F-Droid. You will have a much better experience. If you really want to ditch Android , maybe you can get Ubuntu Touch, but device compatibility is dicey.
I sidestepped all this crap by buying Synology in 2014 and upgrading 2 years ago. Sure, it isn’t FOSS, but it is very nearly plug and play.
I configured OpenVPN for when I want to use it remotely, and self host my music, video, and family photos.
Having the 4 drive RAID-6 gives me some security from the danger of losing data between backups.
I store all my scanned documents, ocr’d, and keep the paper under control.
If I went through the work to wipe the partitions, it would doubtlessly have the same effect as turning off wifi in bios. That would have been my next attempt. It’s more work than disa Ling wifi at the bios level.
I definitely see increased battery drain and heat when I am entirely on cellular data for a long time.
I set up the mount points in configuration as dynamic NFS volumes and added Bookmarks to nautilus. You can get to the volume either with cd command or right-click -> terminal here. You can shut down the NAS and only lose the share, which returns when the system goes online.
This is much better than WbDAV, which is fine for simple sharing or for devices that can’t handle NFS easily like Android phones.
While many devices don’t have ROMs built for them, any recent device should work with a GSI.
I just bought a tab s8, as I know Andy yan’s LineageOS 20 works on it from other users’ reports. I currently use it on my old tab 10.8 2019.
I have the same experience. People think I’m wacko for caring about this stuff.
Bottom line: you can’t fix stupid, and almost everyone is stupid.
We are 90% there already. In many states, solar panels and usage have extra taxes. Most solar installations are grid tied and electricity sale prices to the company are fixed at a small fraction of their sale prices from those companies. Worse, if power goes out, you can’t use solar to stay electrified because electricity would leak out and potentially electrocute nearby line men.
Also, as the children become accustomed to having no freedom or privacy, it becomes easier to force it on them as adults.
This is pernicious totalitarianism. Anything you have ever done can be used against you if the state decides you are a threat.
Constant surveillance leads to more obedience, due to fear.
I think he sould have included Chromite. Regularly updated and a fork of the abandoned Bromite, which was a privacy-centric project. I still use Firefox, but also use Chromite.