I am running on Lemmy-Easy-Deploy but it seems to be abandoned. How do you have yours set up?
I am running on Lemmy-Easy-Deploy but it seems to be abandoned. How do you have yours set up?
Oh I didn’t know about this either. Thanks! About to set that up right now!
Now this is something I’m interested in! I think I’m going to pick up that 3040 to set up and play around with since it’s so cheap. The i5-6500 should handle it well enough, right?
Never mind. I see now that Proxmox is a type 1 hypervisor now.
To be completely honest, I’m familiar enough with all of this to get myself in trouble and work my way back out of it and that’s about it.
I was only trying to get away from the VM because if I’m away and the PiHole craps out, I can tell my wife “hold down the power button and reset the 3040” as opposed to trying to walk her through the VM setups.
I’ve got Windows set up to log back in upon reboots (Windows updates and whatnot), then start up Plex, arrs, etc. But I couldn’t get the VMWare VM to turn on automatically.
What prompted all of this was the 8 GB SD filling to 100% and freezing up my PiHole, blocking internet access due to the DNS server being down.
So… I was trying to knock out both of those issues with the separate - PiHole and wife, restarts and VMs.
But you’re saying I can get Proxmox running on the 3070 I already have (i5-9500T, 32 GB RAM, W11 Pro) and have it auto start and run everything?
I got it back up! I was able to reset the database user’s password.
So is eneba a bad place to purchase PSN digital codes from, as well?
I had the same exact thought! BI definitely meant it as “This very smart and important person thinks this should change” but in reality what it really means is “this person who doesn’t understand technology thinks the software isn’t simple enough.”
The logo plus every screenshot on iOS uses that same font. There’s not much else to it. It’s simply an ugly font.
Wow, what a terrible font choice!
Do we know what happened with vlemmy?
I forgot that I had a lemmy.ee account and set up my own instance a few days ago while lemmy.world was down.
Right now it’s just a free Google cloud VM instance and a $3/year domain. It was super easy to set up with Lemmy-Easy-Deploy and I’ll never have an issue with going down. I’ll either be busy looking through Lemmy, or busy trying to figure out why it went down!
Because of the layoffs or did I miss something else?
It’s a tool to you. To someone less tech literate, I can see where they don’t see a difference between this and uploading a copyrighted logo to vistaprint or your custom credit card design.