or you go to make some toast and it spends 15 minutes downloading “updates” before you can use it
or you go to make some toast and it spends 15 minutes downloading “updates” before you can use it
yes. I own the game and have used the repacked DLC fine. I was using CDLC before though so I’m not sure if you need to sort that out first sorry
wow that is almost word for word what it wrote back to me too
I just asked it about this and it denied it. Then I said Meta acknowledged it and you are lying and it apologised and said it did use copywrite material without permission. Fuck I hate AI
this is literally what mobile phones do in North Korea
it did, basically in Australia content owners are free to demand restitution for the actual loss suffered (ie the cost of a dvd) and if you ignore them, they are free to take you to small claims court over it, wearing the cost of doing so. so it essentially ended copy claims
probably like other social media today. you don’t see anything you actually want to see at all, just ads, sponsored videos and stuff you didn’t search for that autoplays amd takes up the screen no matter what tab you are using
I find most searches will give me the first 3 or videos meeting the criteria roughly followed by a bunch of random stuff that has nothing to do with what I searched
had the same issue. built a new pc and was able to access it fine, just gotta be careful not to use reddit on any device my old account was present on.
the funny thing is, I’m not even using a VPN or doing anything to mask my identity. it seems to be purely hardware recognition
I think its a move to keep banned people out, as old reddit was the loophole people used to make new accounts. can’t create an account via VPN on old reddit if you can’t access without being logged in
that is the most hilarious unorganic protest I think I’ve seen. I hope they at least got paid well
this is already a thing in the corporate world though and has been for over a decade, probably longer. what we don’t want is this shit in our houses
I used to use the good browser. But then they changed what the good browser was. Now what I’m with isn’t it, and what’s it seems weird and scary to me.
just photos and some videos and somehow my 256gb is always struggling for space. I’d kill for an SD slot
should just be some googly eyes
makes you wonder though. Russia lost almost all their well trained forces in the opening weeks, what if they were perfectly trained to fight Americans but couldn’t handle Ukrainian style of warfare? interesting whatif
yeah I got a watch 4 for free with my s22 ultra, I gave it a good shot and used it for a few months but went back to my garmin. I simply don’t need a lot of the “smart” features aside from notifications and fitness tracking, which garmin does better, and then there’s the battery… different worlds there
what? my fenix 5x is going strong years later despite being a couple gens behind
so glad the new government is focussing on this woke nonsense and not things that matter to ordinary people