You can guarantee the replacement will be worse in every way, that’s the microsoft playbook after all.
You can guarantee the replacement will be worse in every way, that’s the microsoft playbook after all.
Good opportunity to test your backups.
Restore to a new directory, update that and see what happens. If it works do it to the original.
I’m all for embedded stuff having backdoors, it’s what makes it possible to use custom firmware on devices that have otherwise crappy vendor locked firmware.
Yeah I swear people read ‘it could be’ and somehow think that it is.
I’ll give it a try, thanks for all the hard work on xpipe!
I really don’t understand why I can’t just follow a hashtag, it’s such a basic feature.
AI is useless at actually helping with normal tasks.
The functionality to run those extensions has been removed, so manual install won’t work.
Shouldn’t, fixed that typo hah
Shouldn’t matter since you’re running different firmware it sounds like.
Wouldn’t a HDD based system be like 1/10th the price? I don’t know if HDDs are going away any time soon.
Tapes are still sold in pretty high densities, don’t have to wait!
Thanks, I’ll check it next time startup takes awhile, the only thing standing out from my current log (wasn’t a low startup this time) is loading images took about 3 seconds.
Just run HA on the network you prefer and add firewall rules to cross to the other network as needed. Don’t need to overcomplicate things!
I’m really curious how you expect someone to make a living if they offer everything for free.
It does seem a bit better now on 15.3, but essentially on 15.x often the first time I start it up in the morning after my PC has been in sleep state all night, it will sit for 10-20 seconds on “Loading connections”. Starts after that first one are only a few seconds like normal.
Is there a log file I can poke through to see if anything stand out next time it happens? I only have about 20 connections in total.
Regardless I love the software, it’s very useful even for my small set of self hosting stuff I use it for!
The router is still your firewall, it just doesn’t need to do NAT with IPv6
You can still seed to users that do have port forwarding.
Thats correct but that is fine for the majority of setups.
Yeah pretty much what it feels like to me, everyone wants to cram AI into everything even though it’s often worse and uses far more resources.
AI tools are great at some things, like I had a spreadsheet of product names and SKUs and we wanted to clean up the names by removing extra spaces, use consistent characters like - for a separator, and that kind of thing, and it was very quick to have an AI tool do that for me.