Seriously, it’s like nobody in this thread even read the seminal paper, “Scrimbling Considered Harmful”.
Seriously, it’s like nobody in this thread even read the seminal paper, “Scrimbling Considered Harmful”.
It’s funny, I frequently find myself configuring native Linux games I legitimately own to instead run the windows version through Proton.
…I’m sorry that that’s pretty much the exact opposite of an answer to your question.
Secretary of State is #4, and that didn’t stop Madeline Albright from holding that position during the Clinton years. I believe the accepted solution is that the succession just skips over anyone who is ineligible.
being unable to move the titlebar further up
I know KDE has an option to disable this behavior, though I forget what it’s called off the top of my head. Then it’s just a matter of grabbing the window with super+drag to put it wherever you want.
My mom didn’t hyphenate, but she does include her maiden name when writing her full name, after her middle name. It never even occurred to me that that’s uncommon.
Hofstadter’s Law: It always takes longer than you think, even when you take into account Hofstadter’s Law.
I used to use a system that was perfectly happy to let you use a semicolon when setting the password, but then login would fail if you did.
Depends on the distro. Some have a configuration setting to allow unfree software or not, others have separate repos.
A similar argument is what finally caused the value of the vi family of editors to click in my brain:
They are designed to be fully functional over even the shittiest possible* remote connection. You can’t always count on ctrl, alt, or even the arrow keys being transmitted in a way that is understood by the remote machine.
*Well, I guess the worst possible terminal would be something like an actual teletype, and in that case you’d probably want to fall back to ed or its descendants. To save paper, if nothing else.
is also helpful if you want to do something but don’t know what the relevant tools are.
So crude, when you could use a butterfly.
Also “doctor” means teacher. The specific term for someone who practices medicine is “physician”.
It’s funny, I just switched to pulseaudio hoping it would fix some issues I’ve been having with pipewire. It did not.
Edit: I’m not on Mint, though, so best of luck.
It seems kind of disingenuous to compare enterprise support contracts for Linux to personal Windows licenses. Especially while also ignoring that you do pay for Windows, it’s just hidden in the cost of the device.
Though it is also true that Linux is gratis and Windows is not.
IMO the early game exploration rush is the best part. Anomalies and archaeological digs give that great Star Trek vibe that kind of goes away once everyone is settled into their borders.
Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of hard drives speeding down the highway.
Yeah, I got a new laptop recently with no intention of using the pre-installed OS, but I wanted to boot it up once just to make sure all the hardware was working.
It may have actually taken longer to figure out how to create a local account on W11 than to wipe it and install Linux.