Also, limitless consumption is unsustainable. Maybe we need to get used to the idea of deflation, learn to live with it…
Also, limitless consumption is unsustainable. Maybe we need to get used to the idea of deflation, learn to live with it…
Imagine your dollar would be worth more tomorrow if you didn’t spend it today.
That’s basically what happens with technology. Plenty of people still buy the latest TV even when there will be a better and cheaper one in a year or two.
All cars are computers on the road at this point, not just EVs…
But then big companies wouldn’t be able to keep milking the consumer via planned obsolescence. Won’t somebody think of the shareholders?
You don’t sound anything like Dr. Zoidberg.
It looks like you’re summoning a minor demon!
I’m sure they will get fined for it, and the fine will be considerably less than the extra money they take in from people who don’t notice…
What even is plain text anymore? If you mean ASCII, ok, but that leaves out a lot. Should it include a minimal utf-8 detector? Utf-16? The latest goofy encoding? Should zcat duplicate the functionality of file? Generally, unix-like commands do one thing, and do it well, combining multiple functions is frowned upon.
How do you propose zcat tell the difference between an uncompressed file and a corrupted compressed file? Or are you saying if it doesn’t recognize it as compressed, just dump the source file regardless? Because that could be annoying.
I have this vague memory of one of the CSIs showing a list of IP addresses with 4-digit octets… I get not wanting to risk using real IP addresses, but at least use 10.x.x.x or 192.168.x x
No better way to steal money than free enterprise.
Then the fun part is finding which monkey has the result…
I was skinny when I lived in Boston, but blew up like a balloon when I moved to Arizona.
Fuck off. My favorite meal of the day is breakfast. I’ve been doing without it in an attempt to lose weight for 2 years now. Also making it a point to walk on a treadmill at work twice a day. It is measurable fact I eat less now than I did 2 years ago, and am more active, and yet my weight continues to hover around 300 pounds. 5 years ago I quit smoking cold turkey after 20 years, so it’s not like I lack willpower. But go ahead, tell me all about it.
You forgot birds aren’t real.
They found a scam to replace stop & frisk.
I think you’re missing the point - it’s not that he’s enriching himself - he’s already done that. It’s that the charity carries out his will, not necessarily the will of people who need charities.
The point is on your head.
Yes, and they were designed with that in mind- brake pedals with more leverage for one…
My mom had a Ford ranger for a while that had lost its brake boost, it took a lot of force to get it to slow down, and that wasn’t even a heavy vehicle, this was back when a pickup was a two-seater…