So Accrescent is more like the classic play store or Obtainium?
So Accrescent is more like the classic play store or Obtainium?
Interesting, What about the change of heart rate a normal heart does in response to exertion? I assume this heart only runs at a single speed?
I really would like to switch to them, it seems way more responsive than Nextcloud and I only really need a Web/CalDav server and don’t want to have that in two different services
I’ve been using a docker stack for Nextcloud for years without issues, after switching to postgres it also got a lot faster
Yeah, I thought that as well. Just give me a headless Dav Server and have people create frontends for it
Never heard of that, what’s the benefit over F-Droid?
Why only 4 hours though? How is the capacity of that battery? Also, how does thies heart react to increased demand like a normal heart does?
In Germany you are not allowed to permanently film public space, that includes streets and sidewalks
Yeah, but I’m not allowed to just video tape the street all day long. A Doppler radar that gives me data to argue for a permanently installed speed control on the other hand would be fine
Its a traditional shape you try to recreate in algorithmic 3d graphics
But they already had that button?
For real. People can’t stop sucking Metas dick, despite them facilitating actual genocides, eroding our society and using your socil life as a means of profit, but god forbid the maintainer of a project is not nice enough
There’s This thing called a purchase
Can we stop acting like he raised a Nazi salute or something? Denying a PR that only changes minor stuff like pronouns by a not known contributor is well within the rights of a maintainer. Just because he did not communicate it well doesn’t make him or the project transphob
And only on roads made of short cake
Of course it has. When progress slows, goal posts get shifted to satisfy share holders
That’s why I use OCHs
Is the chinese one safe? Kind of weird to run something I can’t read the output of
And here I’m trusting Accrescent to actually deliver me an executable that has not been tampered with