Wake up, Neo.
Wake up, Neo.
That’s entirely plausible, and seems so, for a good many.
And overthrow legitimately elected leftists outside USA borders.
Battered spouse syndrome
I think they took it as instructions on how to be evil.
This world we’ve created seems very much an amalgamation of every dystopian sci-fi novel ever written.
Lol! Whoops! Editing now, thank you for a humorous correction!
Nazis are vile and desperately need internment * and heavy re-education/deprogramming.
I mean people feel this. Not think it. We need to listen to these concerns and talk about 93-98% tax rates for the wealthiest, individuals and corps.
It’s like that movie, The Mask (and it’s like that for the rest of us, too): the more times you put it on and the longer you wear it, the more you meld into it and the mask into you.
Don’t stop at Republicans! Do Democrats and Independents, and every other party who have and are serving!
Revelation 13:16-17 King James Version 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Behold The Beast
I’m done with the project requiring me to keep Windows. But going back to Linux after 15 years is like starting new. Ik mint was always considered one of the best for novices. Any others?
Meanwhile in America, people don’t bat an eye at handing over RealID for the most minor purchases (not to mention SIM cards), which is then scanned into a government-connected database, backdoored tech and Amazon Ring.
Most people in the security industries that I’ve ever known are keenly interested in privacy, for good reason. There is a reason certain protesting elements *cover their faces and it’s not usually for nefarious reasons.
*Autocorrect ftl
That’s also true.
They’re already insular, and are hoarding resources. It may be that their police force will slaughter some of the angry mob that comes for them, cameras and ARs be damned?
I guess billionaires better spend some of their precious money learning engineering and construction then. Cooking and cleaning and parenting, as well.
I’d have loved to see them make them low income affordable.