In Poland you can download but not allowed to upload/seed. I don’t know is that the way law written or it’s just not enforced.
In Poland you can download but not allowed to upload/seed. I don’t know is that the way law written or it’s just not enforced.
Depends on what I’m trying to achieve. Coding something that requires less thinking but staying more focused and keeping up energy - techno, EBM/industrial, phonk. If it requires more cognitive effort, I choose more background-ish music like lo-fi hip hop. When not coding - same plus synthwave/vaporwave, jazz, funk
And this is how your city’s traffic, pollution, petrol expenses, stress, respiratory disease infections go up coz some CEO feels power forcing others to do something unnecessary just because they can
What you expecting called natural sorting. Mac employed natural sorting back in 90s. What you get is legitimate Alphabetical sorting which used by Linux and Windows. Natural sorting parses tokens in the string and compares them. Alphabetical sorting compares two strings by comparing individual characters at same index (position). Alphabetical sorting is quite common as it simpler to implement (or rather harder to screw up) and yields predictable results
One of many libraries for Python which implements natural sorting https://github.com/SethMMorton/natsort
Too lazy to read article but title sounds silly. One can fart and it will have sound wave which can be unique. And you don’t need entire power plant and quarter of UK water consumption for that
What is crazy is that Mac version is more stable than windows in my experience. Still shit, though
No, that means you falling into author’s bait where they misuse term “delete”. Refactoring is not equal to deleting. One can be result of another. But the truth is that extendable code needs to be modular to be extendable. And modular code is easy to refactor. Author couldn’t not name it “Write code that is easy to refactor, not easy to extend” coz it’s even more dumb
No, title only
Right, but my initial comment was about article’s statement being wrong. Refactoring in the way you described will make code harder to delete which is bad according to the article.
I don’t understand too. Are you suggesting me to drop bunch of features in the product?
My current project has mostly easy to delete code and not easy to extend. Why? Coz shit was copy-pasted 50 times. It’s not fun to work in this project.
Post commit hook to push + always squash on merging feature branches
He just applied Russians’ favorite soviet era saying “those who is not with us is against us”
Whatever, I’m using it regardless of what shitty commercial alternatives tried to be shoved down my throat. If Draw.io goes shit I’ll just switch to ditaa
After closer look I can say this is great idea. Initially I thought this messes with Lit’s lifecycle bringing React’s lifecycle drawbacks but seems like it’s not. I think at some point you should get in touch with Lit devs and see if it can become part of Lit lab or even Lit itself
Is it better than React functional components in any way? I don’t see benefit over React functional components or even Lit’s class components
Library built this way because it supposed to be flexible and provide ground for complex usecases. It can only be flexible if your API works with simple abstractions which you can then compose. It’s not driven by “I need this specific utility for this specific scenario”. That would be zoo you have in JS where you have 10 ways to iterate over array and 9 of them wrong for your scenario.
Java’s OO is great because they design library with SRP in mind making sure there is few but good ways to do things.
BufferedReader cannot accept file name because it makes arbitrary reader… well buffered. It’s not BufferedFileReader, even that would accept something like Path or File, not string, because File can be remote file, should Reader now know all possible local and remote protocols and path formats? What else it must do?
Having it designed the way it is, allows Java to have utilities for various scenarios. Your scenario covered by standard lib too. See Files.readAllLines which, surprise-surprise, built on top of BufferedReader.
Char count is poor complexity metric. Perl is better than Python with your logic as it is more condensed.
Can anyone actually tell what exactly complicated in Java? Verbose, maybe it was at some point but I find it very straightforward and easy.
Can governments stop micromanaging things they don’t understand? All they will achieve is inconvenience for people. Anybody who can potentially be targeted such as journalists, criminals, politicians know their attack vector. It’s not 90s when nobody knew shit about computers. Just encrypt on device and upload anywhere. No government will be able to decrypt as long as you are using robust algorithm.