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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 1st, 2024


  • If you do, you will come to understand that between them and Republicans, they are absolutely the side to go to bat for the middle/lower classes

    I never disagreed about this. This is true, Dems are better than Republicans on most policies. The whataboutism Dems always employ when asked to he accountable is pretty gross.

    No, I didn’t say that either - read my initial post again. I said that your sentiment is fine when talking about personal responsibility, but that the Dems also deserve criticism for their part, because it’s LITERALLY their job to earn votes and they FAILED. Against a foreign hostile country taking over. There’s absolutely no excuse or forgiveness from me there. Yes, the American public should’ve done whatever, but perhaps if they’d had FOOD, HOUSING, and TIME OFF (we’ve been asking for voting day to be a national holiday for years!!!) - we work more than peasants in feudalism. And you are mad we don’t have MORE time in between second and third jobs to fucking study political science? Maybe the Dems should’ve governed better so our votes were protected, or campaigned for approval choice voting so third party can’t strip their votes away. But no, they are wittle babies, we can’t expect them to do their jobs, right? To stop a hostile coup of our government by literal human traffickers

  • Yes, a party is responsible for advertising themselves and their accomplishments.

    They are responsible for so much more than that, including making and passing good policies the public likes and is excited about.

    and general misinformation

    No, and this is another bone I have to pick - we’ve been in conflict with massive online psyops, which the Dems have known about. They started talking about this relating to the 2016 election, and here’s a memo from 12/31/24 saying it happened in the 2024 election: https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy2766

    So it’s actually hugely important that they address these massive online psyops (and indeed have been somewhat), but weren’t effective and imo didn’t take it seriously or aggressively enough.

    The economy really wasn’t improving for the poorest. That you all dismiss homelessness and starvation, literally such an increase it affected millions in one of the wealthiest countries, is why Dems lost the trust of their voters. They were saying “hey, I’m like, at risk of literally DYING,” (bc starvation literally kills!) And they were gaslighted that actually things were fine. And you’re confused why people didn’t vote? Maybe they didn’t have the calories. We know food matters for the ability to learn and research as well, that’s why feeding kids breakfast and lunch was so desirable because it increases test scores and learning and pays for itself later.

    Maybe Dems (the ones like Hakeem Jeffries, not AOC) just aren’t as good of leaders as they claim. They know how to cozy up to rich people for speeches at Goldman-Sachs, sure. They can fundraise and often ONLY fundraise (I noticed a lack of volunteer positions for Kamala, donations only, whereas Bernie allowed me to volunteer and make calls for his campaign). To your average person, the Dems abandoned them, so they abandoned the Dems.

    The Dems got out matched by Republicans due to weakness, as they have been for years, starting with Gore and the hanging chads, the last Obama Supreme Court seat, and a million capitulations and Lucy and the football situations.

  • In terms of an individual’s personal philosophy, I agree, but I’m not so willing to give the Democratic party slack. They SERIOUSLY fucked up 2016 and 2024 elections - votes are earned. This is literally their job and they are incompetent. We still have Dem lawmakers on fucking TWITTER. How slow and out of touch can they be - they should know the owner of Twitter is not safe, threw up a Nazi salute, and sold us out to Russia via Starlink satellites.

    They lost on social media and on the policies themselves not being exciting enough. Gaslighting the public that the economy is good when starvation increased by like 8% and homelessness by 18% in 2024

    It’s frustrating as fuck. Had they just held a fair primary in both 2016 and 2024, we may have won. Instead they testified in court in 2016 that they didn’t have to hold fair elections. Noodle spine Hakeem Jeffries seems unable to do anything but speak at fundraisers and raise funds, per his own admissions.

    Luckily we have people like Bernie, AOC, Jasmine Crockett, Maxwell Frost, Al Green, Merkley, Markey, and many others who are speaking out and doing the work.