Gun owning Americans, not being allowed to jerk off.
That’s probably fine…
Gun owning Americans, not being allowed to jerk off.
That’s probably fine…
Or light them on fire in front of a Trump building. But be smarter than a green baret: Get out first.
No. Shit. Sherlock.
Replaced by teenager Musketeers, like in his doge department.
Yeah, spreading hate, fake news and tearing down a government is fine, discussing who is behind this is against their policy due to “doxing and supporting violence”.
Yeah, well. Out of everybody on this planet, who expected it to be Israel to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing after what happened to their people during WW2. Working for a holocaust museum probably means you’re on the side of Israel so I’m not shocked someone would say such horrible things. This is the reason why we never learn from our history. Here in NL we remember the fallen during WW2 and say “NEVER AGAIN” while at the same time sending weapons to Israel. Writers of dystopian books: “so I guess I’m a journalist now”.
Thanks to Elon, inspecting governmental bodies, regulations and regulators will be dissolved, so probably the cybertruck will be an amazing camp fire, better known as a dumbster fire, due to spontaneous combustion like Chinese cars in China. Then to blame it on trans people or something.
You act like they won’t be replaced or disbanded by Musk if they won’t do what he wants. He has enough money to buy anyone and anything. And he shows he isn’t scared in doing so.
If you do not revolt against the government, you will receive a free cybertruck as a replacement for your house, which will be too expensive to live in.
Each immigrant willing to leave voluntarily will receive a free cybertruck.
The US military, firefighters, EMT’s and police force will get new vehicles! They will all start to use cybertrucks.
Just get rid of cars and fix proper biking and public transportation infrastructure. No need for that many cars, electric or not. Lithium is finite, the mines are horrible. But we’re getting nuclear diamond batteries soon, they are a massive upgrade.
Yeah, have fun peddling a heavy as fuck ebike when you’re 1 hour 32km/h drive away from home. That’s over 2h of super heavy cycling because you’re going super slow.
Wait, what? I drain my battery every day. I need more energy density, not less. I do use my bike for long trips, driving a car during rush hour sucks, parking fees are insanely high and parking spots are rare. I sold my car and do everything by electric bike. But after 2 hours of cycling at 32km/h I need to charge.
It’s so I hopefully get the right answer so I don’t have to switch to an alternative for my calender (just switched from Google), my mail, vpn and password manager. I am a paying customer since May 2019. I was happy with Proton and what they stand for, their CEO is now ruining everything. “We want to switch to a foundation so our goal will be preserved.” Sure… Spreading fake news and taking a political stance in the US, while at the same time claiming to be Swiss neutral. Why do almost all techbros have to become evil now Trump is becoming president again. Even Swiss foundations.
Ah, I guess that must be it than. My time perception is crap, you are probably right. I know I got an iPhone 3 and 4 and switched to android afterwards, a Samsung galaxy 3 to start with. Before the iPhone I had Nokia phones and during that time a Moterola with windows os on in. Thanks for clearing it up though! Too bad they didn’t continue. We need more options and rivalry.
I did. Their reply was generic and useless. “Yen said on Reddit it’s his personal opinion.” Yet he used the Proton admin account to spread his opinion (based on fake news).
Yeah I had a Moterola. Nearly everyone I knew with a windows phone had issues. It’s also why I switched. But it’s sad though, we need more options. Now I’m hoping for Linux phones, because fuck Apple, fuck Microsoft and fuck Google. Welcome to the age of the technocrats, where people are forced into submission by stripping them of their rights and their privacy by techbro oligarchs.
Windows phones were extremily unstable. Android was indeed a mess, but it ran reasonably well on all phones while Windows phones had poor support and many crashed a lot. By the way, I indeed don’t like Microsoft, but I dislike that company as much as Google and almost as much as Apple.
They chose windows os over android. It was their downfall. The amazingly designed phones we could have had if they would have used Android instead… I miss my old Nokia phones, all of them but especially the 3310.
Nah, you’d be fine in Germany, the Netherlands, Scandinavian countries too. Poland, Portugal. Everyone speaks English, loads of jobs where just English is fine. There are maaaaany expats who only speak English. There’s no need to speak the local language at all. It’s nice if you learn, but I have friends who live here for 7 years and only speak English and their own language (French, Swedish, German, Spanish, Portuguese). They say it’s too hard to learn Dutch because everyone automatically switches to English when they hear you’re not Dutch, so it’s hard to practice. There are many Asian countries too where just English is fine as well. An American friend of mine is living out his pension on the Philippines with his wife. Doesn’t speak a word which isn’t English. My ex is from Mauritania, she’s slowly learning German now that she’s been living in Berlin for over 10 years, but it’s hard not to pick up some German when you live there for so long. But most conversations are still in English.
So you’ve got loads of options! Most of them with better healthcare and no one owning guns. Many countries have special programs to help expats to settle. Help with taxes, finding a job and a house, etc. US citizens are very welcome in most countries in Europe, some even have special treats. Like in the Netherlands, there’s a tax cut for expats with specialized jobs (like in tech).
Just avoid France and Southern Italy. In Northern Italy everyone speaks English, in the south they don’t. And in France most people don’t speak it or are to proud to speak it (unless in big cities but even there it’s not too great). But in most countries rural parts have a lower quality and quantity of English speakers (not in the Netherlands though, here a non-English speaker is a rarity, mostly boomers).
4k-videodownloader does this. Only paid version, but it’s a one time payment of 5 dollars or something like that.