This is by far the most evil one, I love it.
We should definitely bring signatures back Tryin to make a change :-\
One of us! One of us!
Very intriguing, will definitely check out! Nice work :)
We should ban everything besides whoopie cushions then; you could probably still smother someone with one but it’d be a lot funnier
Can’t wait to try it out! this was my favorite feature from Apollo and I’m so happy to see it be brought here. Keep up the fantastic work (⁀ᗢ⁀)
I can’t believe this my first time hearing about this distro, really giving Hanna Montana Linux a run for its money lol
Just launched 1.8.9 with the Prism Launcher and it looks fine for me. (I’m using Kubuntu 22.04.3 LTS)
Maybe it’s a java issue? Old Minecraft uses java 8, maybe try reinstalling it and seeing if that works. Best of luck!
Have you tried looking in the Mega Thread?
I really like this one, it’s detailed yet simple which works really well for an app icon! Personally I would love a download link, great job ( ◠‿◠ )
Did you replace your BIOS with Minecraft’s texture files? Classic mistake, I’ve done it a dozen times! /s