Thanks, that’s helpful!
Thanks, that’s helpful!
I’m not gonna lie, I haven’t used discord much. But to my untrained eye it seems like bad IRC. So out of curiousity, why is this (or discord for that matter) better than IRC?
Everything is a fucking “deal” with this clown, he’s like the used car salesman of world leaders.
Bourbons have their place, you can’t really make an old fashioned with a scotch … I mean you can … but you shouldn’t. That said you shouldnt use Jack Daniels for one either.
Until they have to troubleshoot the console server …
The commissioner is supposed to come up with guidelines for what is a reasonable check, so we find out when they come up with it I guess 🤷
In Australia we don’t have the slave workhouses you have in the states, but our justice system is still focused on retribution rather than rehabilitation.
The article says they remotely unlocked the car, it says it a few times. I guess they must have implemented a well protected auxiliary battery for the radios phoning home. Seems like they really care about making sure their control survives.
Prius’ used to have a problem in that the main power feed ran through the A pillar so emergency services couldn’t cut you out of it without killing themselves. Bit of a different situation though.
I would have thought an average locksmith could have opened it, and given its already exploded there probably wasn’t a need to get it open quick via Tesla tech support. I’m surprised the radios providing telemetry and control even worked in a car that had exploded, particularly a car that appears to be riddled with issues like a cyber truck.
I don’t think these people understand routers …
Google tells me there’s 4.8 million people on Adderall in the US, those government labour camps will be 2.5 times the size of the entire existing prison system, who’d have thought the brain worms would do brain farts?
Heck! Thats a lot of investment for no return …
I wonder how they are spending half a billion dollars?
I for one welcome the new piracy arms race, every time someone tries to stop piracy, piracy gets easier and more efficient.
How else is he supposed to get more money than Bezos? Poor little tacker.
Probably reasonable quality if they are dell supplied ones. Apologies, when you said they were long I thought they might have been some funny make with potentially questionable standards interpretation. If the cables aren’t moving around, under tension or being squished/crushed they should be one of the last things to fail, and a reseat should fix most issues.
You have a very high opinion of the level of technology running power grids, traffic systems and other infrastructure in most parts of the world.
Is your HDMI cable good quality? Is your tv good quality? Dissimilar metals on either will result in transfer of materials over time and degredation of their ability to transfer signal at the rates expected for HDMI. Normally just a reseat of the cable should fix this but extended use could result in permanent impairment of the interface.
Arguably you want to spoof the address/es of someone else you want also want to attack as the return address so that the person you attack starts responding to that address and I directly flooding them, particularly if you’re trying to DoS something like Twitter.