I guess that’s a good point. I can’t guarantee the same people are switching opinions as I thought
I guess that’s a good point. I can’t guarantee the same people are switching opinions as I thought
Yeah do you understand how people shit out platitudes about hoping no one gets hurt when it’s someone innocent then turn and say the opposite when it’s someone they hate?
Look at comments when pedos go to jail.
It’s there. Every time.
I find this sentiment… a bit wishy washy.
When someone bad goes to prison it’s “I hope he gets his ass beat”, when someone innocent goes to prison it’s “how could they let this happen??”
Do you guys like Burger King? I stopped eating there a long time ago and feel no need to go back after the foot lettuce incident…
I would use Linux but I heard that it doesn’t work seamlessly with NVIDIA gaming hardware
“I am driving a lifted DODGE RAM TRUCK”
"My lifted DODGE RAM TRUCK has BLINDING WHITE LED headlights positioned EXACTLY at EYE LEVEL. "
“I am currently TAILGATING you in the RIGHT LANE even though you’re going TWENTY MILES AN HOUR over the speed limit and the LEFT LANE is OPEN.”
“There are MONSTER ENERGY and FOX RACING stickers on the rear windshield of my lifted DODGE RAM TRUCK.”
“There are PERFECTLY CLEAN mud tires and MASSIVE CHROME RIMS on my lifted DODGE RAM TRUCK.”
“I make THIRTY-ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS a year and thought that that was a WISE FINANCIAL DECISION.”
“I bring cases of BUD LIGHT to girls at high school parties while my wife and children are at home.”
“My lifted DODGE RAM TRUCK has a GUN RACK which holds the AR-15 that I bought at WAL-MART.”
Even so, most of my college tuition was paid as I went through
I owe more in college debt…
I understood that reference!!!
Look at that subtle off-green gradient. The tasteful thickness of it… Oh my god, it even has ornaments…
Well since it’s slower that just means it’s being more careful and not prone to making mistakes
This is why Linux sucks!
Oh right… because of future regulations… not because they wanted to.
Lenovo failed to impress me with their laptops. Brand isnt worth dick anymore