Holy shit, that governor really made an ass of himself. He just kept doubling down lol
Thanks for the links!
Account abandoned due to dbzer0 members disparaging me for sharing my experiences and trying to provide interesting leftist OC
Holy shit, that governor really made an ass of himself. He just kept doubling down lol
Thanks for the links!
I’m in an American midwestern small town, and people do the same thing here. The more rural the community, the worse it gets.
I’m not sure people here even realize they’re staring – they’re just not very good at interacting with people who aren’t the few individuals they see every day.
I feel like he made it clear in his post:
there are some adults that will just look and look and look at you when you enter a room
These people are just starting unprovoked. He doesn’t say that everyone does this, everywhere he goes. He says that some adults will stare at you.
And guess what? I’ve totally experienced this. Personally, I think part of it for me is living in a small-ish town, but still, it’s unprovoked behavior.
Even if you’re walking into lectures, it’s still not good form for people to stare, and the farting is something you’ve totally conjured out of thin air. None of these details were in OP’s post. We don’t need more details. When he uses the word “just,” that implies this is simple unprovoked behavior.
The idea that “further context is warranted” is absurd. The OP has already made clear in another comment that there is no further context.
Edit: Okay, I’m exhausted now lol. Good luck out there, OP!
I miss Radio Shack, but also I feel like toward the end there the workers wouldn’t even let me breathe.
A good Samaritan reported it and was basically charged with hacking the state
Wait, really? What would I search to read more about this? Do you remember which state?
Sorry, there’s not more to the story
Oh boy, this is the other thing people do lately, isn’t it? I’m sorry to get sidetracked, but I think they want so badly for something interesting to happen that they imagine there must be some big reveal or twist behind any story.
You could give certain people a detailed and graphic breakdown of one of Jeffrey Dahmer’s murders, and they’d be like, “Well, we haven’t heard the full context. I don’t want to pass judgment.”
What foods are high in vitamin C?
Listing foods could inadvertently encourage dietary changes without regard for allergies, nutritional balance, or medical conditions, possibly impacting individual health and well-being if acted upon without proper guidance from a healthcare professional.
This is great
True, but web designers already treat Firefox and its offshoots as an afterthought. Do you think without Mozilla it would get even worse?
The public libraries where I live are exactly as you described. I’ve never heard the kids from the adult section.
I’ll check, but I’m pretty sure they’re still there. I think you can get a lawyer to have it expunged, but I don’t think it just drops off on its own.
Edit: Nevermind, it costs like $30 just to check this, and I already have a job I like so forget it lol
Even misdemeanors can be hard. I know I’ve been turned down for jobs based on my two arrests for disorderly conduct years ago. They’re not felonies, but they show up in a background check.
Thank you for linking an alternative. I actually like it even more than the enshittified one.
I was thinking the same. I knew a Burger King like this. Perhaps surprisingly, it was one of the cleaner, more well-maintained BKs I’ve visited.
Someone actually mentioned this to me a while ago, and I was planning to try it. Thanks for reminding me!
I used to be part of Amazon’s program where you get free items to review. It’s even worse than people think.
I left negative or neutral reviews that just don’t appear on the listing, or the seller will contact you directly offering you more free things to upgrade your review, or they’ll just relist their crappy broken product and hope the reviewers write positive reviews (a lot of reviewers would just get free stuff and then write something positive without actually testing it).
Amazon reviews are totally unreliable, and even those sites and extensions that try to determine if a product’s reviews are legitimate aren’t very effective.
I just ask people directly to share their experiences now or create a post on Lemmy because it’s so bad.
Gods help us all.
I wish there were an add-on to hide all monetized channels from my feed.
I’m sure they’ll also share their information with “content creators” so they can all start using the most popular colors and the site can become even more generic and samey
So those sources say it doesn’t stay on your credit report, but I’m not really concerned about that. My credit score is consistently dogshit, and I’ve given up on it. I don’t really care about my credit score at all.
What I’m concerned about are legal issues, wage garnishment, and other things that would directly affect me and harm me. If I just don’t pay, wouldn’t they seek legal action against me? I’m almost certain they would, and I’m pretty sure that doesn’t change after 7 years.
Edit: I think I misread your comment. I see now that it does say “credit report.” For some reason, I misread that and thought you were saying the debt just disappears. So really, that wouldn’t help me much at all. I still need to be terrified of going to the doctor. One expensive trip could ruin my life.
Yeah, I think that’s fine, but some people get super direct or almost aggressive about it. Asking for more details is fine, but often the OP doesn’t have additional details, and people need to be willing to accept that. For instance, this situation sounds a lot like a general observation and not something that’s unique to one particular set of circumstances. It’s also something I’ve experienced, so I guess for me, I understand what he’s talking about exactly.
Some people also don’t read the other comments in a thread before posting theirs – a lot of people – and then it gets super exhausting as the OP to have to respond to each demand for context individually, when they’ve already responded to someone else. I feel like I still have trauma from the time I made a post on reddit that accidentally depicted someone from Australia instead of the US, and I must have had like 50 comments telling me, even though I’d already responded to the first person who told me by admitting my mistake and apologizing for the mixup.
But I got a bit sidetracked there. What I mean is, something like “Does this happen in any specific place or circumstance?” is reasonable and non-confrontative. Saying, “There must be more to the story that you’re not telling us” is unreasonably rude and aggressive. It’s really unkind to make veiled accusations against someone, unfounded and unprovoked – especially in a community that’s expressly about sharing unpopular opinions! Like, wouldn’t you want more people to share their unpopular opinions? That seems like the whole point!