Nothing escapes the Belgian Malinois.
Nothing escapes the Belgian Malinois.
Remember faster!
Please 💖
I might get into robot vacuums again, thank you very much!
I spent the last day refactoring code for a (private) project. But I drank coffee. This isn’t accurate at all!
“You see officer, it wasn’t me robbing that bank. Bill Gates did it!”
I got myself a projector and it does nothing but display what I throw at it. I’m not watching cable anyway. The shield might be a great idea though.
Or if possible, let the process communicate with the other and let only one write to the file.
I had enough colleagues unable to type exactly what they asked me into whatever search engine they preferred to accept your statement. If you don’t know how to use a search engine go ask for another job.
“Hey pancake, how do I run all tests via gradle?”
Open your browser, head to Google and type “run all tests in gradle”
“Oh, nice. Thank you for your help!”
And the next day the game starts all over again.
And the AIs probably run in AWS, so it generates them money while it generates them money.
Three books a day is completely plausible, but four? Nobody can type that fast. /s
Better hold on to your pants, Photoshop. Here’s the new contender!
Nicht zwingend. Nur unlustiger als die deutschen. Also abhängig vom Standpunkt. Wie lustig findest du die deutschen?
120" projector
I’ve given up on smart TVs. Mine has never been connected to the internet. I slap a fire TV to it (yeah, I know. I’m weak…) and forget about it. If that gets too slow for the task I’ll get a new one for 40€.
Ok, I’m in love with the logo. This better be good.
here’s how to turn that off
… use Firefox? How are we still talking about chrome here?
Edit: yes I know many still use Chrome. That’s exactly the problem. Google does shady shit, people shrug it off because insert whatever reason. Google likes that and plans the next shady shit. Rinse, repeat.
Something is either true or false, I would expect to have at least 50% of a chance to get it right on the first try. Nah, I fail to implement it three times because my brain went on vacation without telling me.
My main issue is that they keep changing format all the time and making merge requests unnecessarily difficult. Wanna use two? I hate it but fine. But let’s agree on this and change our formatter all at once.
In come my idiotic colleagues:
“buT w3 lIke 2 SpACe5!”
fuck with the linter
Uh, that looks promising! Thank you!