What search Plugins do you use for QBitTorrent?
What search Plugins do you use for QBitTorrent?
Thanks for this very detailed description. Setting this up sounds a bit much to me, but still interesting
Is your laptop running a Server os or is it still usable as a normal laptop?
Wow, I didn’t know there was a jellyseer. Sounds really nice
Thanks for the recommendation. What hardware are you running docker on?
Old Laptop actually sounds interesting to me, very nice form factor for my “inside the bookshelf” approach, but probably a lot of tinkering.
How do thin clients compare to a pi 4? I’ve heard most of them are worse in computing power and efficiency in comparison to the Pi.
Thanks for your detailed response. I thought about an old office PC, but I guess they’re not even close to <10W idle.
Another quick newbie question: What do you need PCI Slots for? Many SATA ports for Drives makes sense to me, but why PCI
Thank you for your super detailed response. That’s a lot of information 😅 Talking about codecs is only applicable to torrenting, right? (I’ve never seen a streaming site talk about the codecs they use).
I don’t really mind paying a bit (and hopefully supporting the creation of new media), but it’s unbelievable that Disney+ butchers a lot of the most memorable Pixar scenes, with terrible compression. (When a lot of snow, confetti or other particles are on screen).
PS: I live in the EU, so I’m not signing away my right to live by subscribing to a streaming service. WTF is going on on the other side of the atlantic. I can’t even believe what a capitalist nightmare some call the United States of America.
Thanks 👍
Do you have a favorite torrenting site?
It’s always good to read different opinions about topics like that.
Yeah, but Nintendo hasn’t won a lawsuit, which means the code isn’t illegal to share. They just convinced GitHub to take it down.
More VR porn 😸
Thanks for the tips :) But 4k is kind of crap on the quest 3. For seeing a relatively sharp picture at least 6k is needed
It seems like I cannot download a preview without an account :(
Even if that’s not exactly my type of content I will look into it
Do you know what resolution they provide?
Thanks :) I’ll look into it
When looking at sfw 360 videos I’ve noticed that even 8k isn’t as sharp as natively rendered content (all tough almost). Any tips of creating the perfect setup.
Well that’s more than enough to feel major effects on your mental health