Nothing beats good beef cooked rare.
Nothing beats good beef cooked rare.
You’re putting the cart before the horse. Tell us the specific situational problem that you’re trying to solve. Like what ultimate end result are you trying to achieve.
That way we can help you achieve what you’re actually trying to achieve
It’s amazing how very far ahead siri was at the beginning, and how extremely far behind it became. It’s a massive miss for Tim Cook’s Apple
The whole topic of drugs could easily be covered in 30 minutes. The only thing people under 18 need to know is this:
There are a large variety of different recreational drugs, each of which make you feel a different way, and which come with their own set of different risks and benefits
At some point when you’re older it may be reasonable for you to try some particular drugs, but there are some drugs which are never safe for anyone at any age
No drugs are safe for you to do yet. Your brain is still in a developing phase, and drugs that might be safe for you to do later will be very harmful to you at this age. Even though taking a drug might make you feel good in the very short term moment, it very likely could make your growing brain become depressed as soon as you come down from the drug, and this can become intense sadness that you feel for the rest of your life.
So for now just know that drugs is a complex topic that you can learn more about later when you’re older, but for now the details don’t matter because all drugs will be harmful to you right now while your brain is still growing
Just torrent the music you want
Well i can tell you that the hardware is fantastic
Facebook is the 3rd most visited website. Instagram (which is also owned by them) is the 4th most visited site. Oculus is and has been the best selling vr system by a lot. As much as we would like it not to be true, the reality is that facebook is extremely far from death rattling
It’s an android phone, and it does everything perfectly for everything i ever try to do with it
They hit a sweet spot of having basically everything. Like the n30 has pretty much everything you could want - sd card slot, super fast charger in the box, headphone jack, screen with no pwm, relatively low price, fast cpu, huge 8 gb amount of RAM so apps never need to refresh when you switch back to them, all the antenna bands for the fastest data speed and best reception coverage area, good software with almost no pre-installed bloatware, etc etc. It honestly is just about perfect!
OnePlus makes some great phones in the mid to low price range. I don’t know if they’re rootable or whatever
No. Fucking NO. It’s insane to me that anyone could’ve lived through the past 10 years and not see how necessary it is to always use the /s tag. There’s reasonable evidence that Donald Trump’s original campaign never would’ve even got off the ground if it weren’t for people sarcastically supporting him and idiots not realizing it was sarcasm
Can you very loosely tell me what that is so I don’t have to google it?
Friend googles topic from his home wifi. You visit friend’s home for a couple of hours with your phone’s wifi enabled. Even without signing in to his wifi your phone still logs that you were in range of his wifi for 2 hours. Now you’ll get served ads for the topic that he googled about, because people who spend time together often have similar interests, or you may mention the advertised product to him if he ever talks to you about the topic.
Yup, knock on wood, I’ve had lots of Seagate drives over the decades and I’ve never had any of them go bad. I’ve had two WD drives and they both failed
On Android you do have that toggle
I think this must be what’s happening. 5G cell is equal or better than 4G cell in almost all ways. And if your phone is set to dynamically switch between 4g and 5g depending on what’s best at any given moment then there’s literally no downside, only upsides
But, dry from what? How often are your electronics encountering a meaningful amount of moisture?
What do you use them for?
And on top of which, these are definitely noisy nuisances, and as a result people are gonna fuck with them, and it’s inevitable that eventually it’s gonna hurt someone, which’ll cause a huge backlash and expensive lawsuits, etc etc etc.
The only situation i can see these being even potentially viable is in very rural areas, where delivery routes are expensive, people have lots of open land for it to safely reach the ground, and there aren’t a lot of nearby neighbors to annoy