Chudposter. Why doesn’t the mod ban?
Use a different domain. Otherwise you might have to mess with the db.
Bro I love bullying the chuds, magas and domestic terrorists.
The same company that kept the price of insulin high for no reason? No thx
There was a bug going on (no limit on banned days) I think it may be a part of that.
Lemmy’s algorithm is broken, it will take time to fix it. Just sort by new for now.
Everything black mirror has covered has came true at some point or might will. This issue is also coming true. The writers and actors need to make sure they don’t get fucked over by the AI and the greedy corporations. All power to them.
Hopefully Microsoft don’t sue them. This is really cool
We don’t want that shit here. Thanks
Jellyfin is better. Plex has features behind paywall
Man I feel sorry for everyone that’s been abused. Our generation at least won’t be beating their kids
I swear one of these days imma blow up bill /s
Yay!!! The Chinese Spyware has been banned 📿
Use forget password and use your email as the username. You should be able to login and disable 2FA. P.S only Google Authenticator seems to work right now. Just copy the code and paste it into Google Auth.
Yes. I host my own revolt server and it’s been great. Features parity with discord is nice so far and username have discriminator!