“Unhinged” is obviously fair here, but “psychopath”? No, I have a painful amount of empathy for the victims of Brian Thompson and UHC. I yearn for a day where those victims who managed to survive will receive the healthcare they deserve.
“Unhinged” is obviously fair here, but “psychopath”? No, I have a painful amount of empathy for the victims of Brian Thompson and UHC. I yearn for a day where those victims who managed to survive will receive the healthcare they deserve.
UnitedHealth mismanaged my rheumatoid arthritis medication this past February. I was bedridden for a month and lost my job. I received no compensation and no justice.
I have multiple emails with Brian Thompson CC’d on them.
It is hard to find the limit of the anger I feel towards the depraved individuals in the C suite at UHC.
If I could visit his funeral I would love to pay my respects by pissing all over his face. His suit, worth more than my networth, would be soaked in my piss. I’d do it proudly in front of his wife, kids, and god. Hell, if given the time, I’ll cum all over this demon’s cold, dead face. Thank you for reading.
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Yes he signed up to give his money away. To a charitable trust. Which he and his family controls. And can withdraw from at any time.
It isnt a charity pledge, its a plan to avoid paying taxes.
TN has a strong felony murder statute. You dont need to prove intent, you just need to prove they were perpetrating a related violent felony.
I’m not a lawyer but in this case it seems like management have probably met the criteria for felony theft or kidnapping. Any properly motivated DA could then add a felony murder charge for each death.
I’m a little surprised that this comment has gotten so many upvotes.
Would you apply this same logic to the real world? For example, imagine if a manufacturing facility for Lockheed Martin or General Dynamics was bombed and thousands of working class Americans died. These people are building bombs that are being used in an ongoing genocide.
Would you consider this a heinous terrorist act, or a noble strike in the fight for freedom?
But what about the terror group known as IDF? They have unlimited free reign to spread their genocidal message and recruit followers. They also buy ads, and have a budget larger than all the terror groups you mentioned combined.
Hiding and denying the anti-Biden news is what got us to this point.
Compare the polls now to 4 years ago: Biden is 10-15% behind where he was when he (barely) won. To win now, Biden needs a miracle.
Our only hope of stopping Trump is to replace Biden ASAP.
Leftists: its deregulation and reagan and the destruction of labor unions and forever wars and wall street and the death of manufacturing and and and
Libertarians: “GOLD!”
Actual prevention of terrorism comes by building a just society. People who have basic needs, healthcare, education, and justice do not become terrorists.
And how do you expect a sharpshooter team to stop a suicide bomber, acid attack, or dirty bomb? Even stopping a crowd-driving-maniac would require significant luck. This isn’t an action movie.
International courts have told Israel to stop many times and they rarely, if ever, listen. Why would this time be different?
Imagine the returns if that wealth was invested in education and healthcare instead of yachts and empty luxury housing.
Maybe NYT should question how a Zionist ideologue with no experience was put in charge of this important story, or how her uncorroborated opinion piece got past the editors and sold to the public as real news.
But of course they wont, and the damage is already done. Genocide deniers will be pointing to this discredited article in perpetuity.
The major political parties may have only changed names once, but the most common stance in modern political science is that we are in the 6th political party alignment in US history.