exactly how elusive? it’s wearing a high vis jacket should be pretty easy to spot at night
exactly how elusive? it’s wearing a high vis jacket should be pretty easy to spot at night
“Good night. Sleep well. I’ll most likely kill you in the morning.”
Oh what if the onion guys handle turning new episodes into videos
I hope JorDan from knowledge fight get a chance to work with the onion, no one knows alex’s brain better than Dan and could write a perfect spoof version
I used one in my original post I guess I rushed posting on my break and didn’t get someone to proof read it first
don’t know I just always hated it since elementary school, I want to see grammarly removed from the face of the earth and would pay good money to make sure no one takes their place not even joking about that
If she’s drawn as an adult like the pucture used for the pist I don’t think it would be a problem anymore, you can’t really lock down a fictional character’s age it just comes down to features their drawn with and I guess if someone feels the need to go out of thier way to give an age
Just make him live out of the embassy
No sorry that’s not how that should work
Ooh everything is motivation and what does plot have to do with anything
Couldn’t two face just be written to have flipped a coin and ending up burning half the money as a result
But for the joker motivation adds almost nothing
But how do not find “justified” evil boring at this point, not every bad guy should be macbeth or dr.frankenstein
It’s like that new stupid wicked witch movie that’s cooming out just because they are an antagonist doesn’t mean they can’t just be a villian, there can be decent characters that don’t need much back story or deep motivation like the joker or judge holden
Why do characters need moral nuance though?
Ya I got nothing against linux and I’m going to switch my old laptop once get the time and a flash drive small enough but I find it’s practically like the reddit meme of the upvotes dropping on the guy’s head
Is there an equivalent to godwin’s law for Linux users? If you don’t have someone mention ditching windows you’ll never think to do it yourself
There’s got to be a way to just decriminalize piracy
“Do you think a sunset in beautiful?”
Check out knowledge fight if you want to see the effect gpt is having on alex jones, if nothing else it’s forcing him to be a better listener because he can’t interupt it without the bot losing it’s train of thought
I can’t imagine normal plastic straws great for microplastics