So I rarely splurge on an app but I did splurge on AntList on Android because they have a import recipe function. Also allows you to get paywall blocked recipes if you are fast enough.
So I rarely splurge on an app but I did splurge on AntList on Android because they have a import recipe function. Also allows you to get paywall blocked recipes if you are fast enough.
Does protest mean like, following the law and making everyone feel all comfy and warm inside? GTFO
Dude seek help, it’s a Ponzi scheme. Sell and get out now.
Let me make it clear then, if a gun was around I would threaten them out / shoot them with the gun if they wouldnt leave. Pick your tool and I would at least try to use it. The part of Your strength argument that I don’t think makes sense and isn’t real is that if a poor person breaks into your house that you would allow them to steal from you from a high moral stand point. Further, you would somehow manage some sort of completely calm demeanour because you somehow know that they are someone in need there to steal and not there to hurt you or your family.
Wait, I’m no pro gun person, but like if some fucking random breaks into my house even to steal bread, you can bet your ass I’m threatening them back out with a knife or some shit. How would anyone know that they’re there as a poor person stealing bread and not to mess with your family? I doubt you or anyone else would act differently under that pressure short of being really well trained in conflict diffusion. This whole thing seems super disengenous.
Isn’t Edmonton the Liberal / NDP powerhouse of Alberta?
Main advantage is typically less DCMA take downs. The public ones are public access and therefore the bots crawl those and submit the takedowns faster than on a private indexer.
Just a cheap Usenet provider. They’re cheap for what the provide but in my opinion on par with the more expensive “premium” providers. https://frugalusenet.com/
DM me if you want invites to private indexers. They are paid but cheap. I also recommend frugal Usenet because…well…I’m cheap.
The nice part about Usenet is it’s basically full saturation of your internet line, so if you have a gigabit line, it will come as close as possible to running downloads at that speed. Frugal Usenet is $60 for their annual account, in my opinion it’s worth it just for speed alone. I pay for Usenet ninja as well as a secondary account for failed downloads.
The setup can be a bit overwhelming but please message me if you get stuck on anything!
Best place to start if you’re serious. https://trash-guides.info/
Frugal Usenet is a good cheap and reliable option for Usenet downloading or search out some torrent trackers of your preference. If you go the Usenet route, let me know, I can send you some indexer invites.
I’ve run most of the arr apps on windows but Linux with docker is less upkeep and easier to perform updates.
This has been my go to combined with a Usenet subscription.
Extra sloppy please.
Or in the case of Canada, to separate oil out of the ground!
So do humans.
Serious question, does 4K resolution even really make that much of a difference to you? I have like 30 TB of shows and movies at 1080p and I’ve never had any users complain about resolution.
Teksavvy is fantastic